May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

I could do but feel bad as I've not got my clomid from him the last two pregnancies..

I'm getting a GP call back this morning so fx.

I've spoken to the hospital too but I'm not under a consultant there.

Hi ladies, I keep trying to catch up with you all. I have my first midwife appointment tomorrow I'm dreading it xx
Hi girls

Just to let you know I've miscarried today - was 6+1. It's my 3rd consecutive mc. It's hard but hopefully now they will start tests and take me seriously. Does anyone know when you can start trying again as one of my friends said 6months now to give my body a rest, but I just want to try again already. Probably we will wait for tests and results first. I want to wish you all the best of luck and that you have your little bubbas in your arms next May xx
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Oh I'm so sorry to hear this *hugs* I think you can try when your ready hun. Once your normal af returns technically your body is saying it's ready. It's just if you are mentally as well as physically x
so sorry to hear that summergirl :( hope your OK. I think you can try as soon as you feel ready xx
Sorry to hear about your loss Summer. I think you can go again when you are ready. We tried again straight away (although my body had other ideas and refused to ovulate at all, but mentally I wanted to go for it). After our second mc we started fertility treatment and my consultant was fine with that, he actually told us not to wait and to get a bleed induced and crack on. My GP wanted me to wait three cycles. There seems to be a lot of different opinions on what is best, so just go with what feels right for you.
So the outcome of today...

I've asked the GP for progesterone and she wanted to speak to the consultant at the hospital about it and didn't call me back.

I spoke to the antenatal clinic at the hospital I had my babies at to run my levels by the consultant there and I've to call tomorrow with the result of today's and it's gone up from 72 to 87 so good news there!

I've been booked in for a scan on Thursday which is fab!

And if I need the suppositories then I can get some.

So much more chilled now!

Glad that things are all heading on the right direction now hun and that you can get the progesterone of you need it

Yay for another early scan! Everyone seems to have had theirs much earlier than me! I'll be a day shy of eight weeks when I have mine. It's on Wednesday next week

Glad things are looking good x it's not long now Emily x
1 more week till my follow up scan. these 10 days are going so slow!
Tell me about it! I have my follow up on Monday. And I'm dreading it. Absolutely dreading it. I don't want to go. But I will. I'm just so so so scared. Lol.
will be glad when it gets to next week and we all get good news fingers crossed! how are you feeling now ery?
The anti sickness meds are helping to an extent I'm not now bedridden and don't feel on the verge of being sick all the time. I'm exhausted though! The meds aren't non drowsy! I want to feel optimidtic. But Im struggling I've not been to a 7 week scan and everything has been OK. I'm trying to get out of my head at the moment I'm just filled with people saying "I'm sorry there's no heartbeat"

Edit : I'm trying to be positive I've got symtoms galore which I didn't have the last few times I've got no bleeding I've got high hcg which is made by baby not me. All good. Just can't shake this nagging feeling. Although I feel pregnant I just don't feel pregnant if you get me.

How are you anyway :)
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once you see your baby you will be fine hun all your symptoms are great :) hope this is your take home baby!

other than worrying I'm fine lol my nausea is better still constantly hungry and tired tho lol I don't feel pregnant yet lol
I feel exactly the same Ery. I've got stronger symptoms with this pregnancy than I have with any of my others, including my son. I've had no bleeding etc and no reason at all to think things aren't going well yet I'm convinced it'll be bad news next week.

Having had so many scans where it's bad news and then more scans to confirm the bad news, I'm struggling to imagine good news!


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