May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Nothing works. I have tried hard boiled sweets, salty stuff, ginger biscuits...I am struggling too, I can't do anything. I wouldn't change it as I want a baby more than anything but I wish I could fast forward to tri 2 where will hopefully feel better. I wasn't this bad with my son but was with last pregnancy which was a girl, I am thinking poss a girl xx
A lot of us have had some kind ofbleeding for some reason. Hope everyone's is ok!
Nothing works. I have tried hard boiled sweets, salty stuff, ginger biscuits...I am struggling too, I can't do anything. I wouldn't change it as I want a baby more than anything but I wish I could fast forward to tri 2 where will hopefully feel better. I wasn't this bad with my son but was with last pregnancy which was a girl, I am thinking poss a girl xx
I'm similar was bad with my son but nothing compared to this the only mild relief I'm getting is sucking soft mints or polo's maybe it's the peppermint. Comes back as soon as I've finished it though
I would like a girl and I want a baby more than anything and if this is what I have to go through to get it I damn well will go through it..I just hope Monday shows a little healthy bean in there. It would be too cruel to feel this bad for nothing!
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I think your scan will be just fine. All positive signs are there. I haven't tried peppermint. Might give it a go xx
any update harpy? I constantly feel sick but haven't actually been sick which I'm pleased about lol
I have loads of bleeding and really intense pains harpy! Hope you are ok Hun ?? It's soooo scary I really feel for you xx
I do hope harpy is OK. It's such a worrying position to be in. First tri is the worst rollercoaster you have to endure.
Oh Harpy and Lou, I hope you girls are both ok :hug:

Have we heard anything from Maybe? She was off for a scan this morning too I think.

I'm feeling very tired, nauseous and like I'll cry if anything else goes wrong!! My dog who was better has become ill again today. I'm waiting on a call back from the referral hospital he was in to see what they want to do. I had to stay pretty much an hour late at work today (meaning I've had no lunch!hmmm wonder why I feel so sick??!) As I had to do an admission of a dog but it wasn't straightforward as she's very undersocialised so it took a long time just to get her in the building even!! Feeling a bit like their expectations of me and what I can do with the time I'm at work might be a bit unrealistic! They don't know I'm pregnant and I don't particularly want to tell them just yet but I'll have to if it carries on like this with me not being able to eat!!

I'm feeling very nervous about my scan next week. Nearly had a heart attack this morning as I went to the loo acc when I wiped there was bright red blood on the tissue. Thankfully it was from my bottom though- I had the same thing when I was pregnant with Cam.

Hi ladies! I'm new :) Its so comforting to know I'm not the only one petrified! I've had two miscarriages (last one was April) both at around 5 weeks. I found out over a week ago that I'm pregnant and I'm so scared. I do think this one feels different this time, I've been getting a tingling and pulling feeling which I haven't had before. I think I'll be 5 weeks tomorrow. I was going to do a digi test Monday morning but I'm so nervous, I'm hoping for a 3+. I've been feeling starving all the time and when I don't eat I feel sicky but my boobs aren't hurting at all which I did have with the other pregnancies. It stops me worrying though and I'm not constantly prodding them! I think I'm due 26th May 2017.

Hope your scan went ok Harpy xx
Hello carmie. Yea this month has an unusually high amount of recurrent missers in it so welcome to a very paranoid thread! I'm sure you'll fit in fine! Congratulations.

Emily. I bet that worried you half to death! I sometimes get random bleeding from my back passage not had it in months though my doctor said I had a fissure but she didn't seem concerned about it do I've just left it at that lol.

Any news on maybe or harpy?
I was like :shock: especially as we dtd last night for the first time since bfp so I'm feeling all worried that we'll have caused a problem!

I really hate tri one!!

Just home now.

Couldn't see pregnancy sac, still positive pregnancy tests, took bloods, back for more bloods Saturday. There should be something there're by now as should be 6+2, so prob never developed in the first place. Brilliant, 4 years to get pregnancy then this!? Life is a bitch. Loads and loads of luck to all of you. I'll have a hot bath, a bottle of wine, and as much caffeine as I want this evening! Whoooioo! :( bye bye ladies xx
Oh harpy I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you get your take home baby soon x x x
I am so sorry harpy this journey is so unfair for some people and soooo hard! Wine, chocolate and bath sounds like a good plan. So sorry Hun, anyway your dates could be wrong? Xx
Hi girls,

Had a total nightmare!!

Went for scan I could see a yolk sac, sonographer agreed yes it's probably a yolk sac but I'm not saying defintely.

Talking to the midwife afterwards she read the report and said 'no evidence of a yolk sac. Then in a condescending sympathetic voice says we're thinking it could be ectopic were going to do bloods.

I said I wasn't happy and wanted another scan they said no they'd call me later on with the results. They made a big deal of doing my observations to check I wasn't about to keel over then a consultant came to see me.

Says she's gonna give me progesterone asking if I had 25 or 50mg last time. I told her I had 200mg and that it either comes in either that or 400. Waited a bloody hour in the hospital pharmacy for a 100mg dose that didn't even exist and then waited again whilst they chased her to change it!

So I go on my way with an appointment for a scan next Thursday feeling a bit pissed of about the scan as I definitely saw a yolk sac.

2 hours later the consultant calls saiying I'd had a suboptimal rise and they were really worried about an ectopic would I consider a laparoscopy?

My hcg was 6515 to 9565 so 78 hours doubling.

It's meant to be 72-95 1200 to 6000 and over 95 for levels over 6000.

So officially not sub optimal!

But I didn't realise this until about an hour ago when I got home and charged my phone.

In the meantime I've had a meltdown gone to my local hospital to get scanned again and they've pretty much told me to get lost and get a private scan. Reminded me why I ditched them and when private to get my septum diagnosed and get my op done.

En route home I tried another scan place and the lady had gone home then the consultant from this morning calls telling me I'm not to be alone and I've a scan at 8:30 in the morning.


So I'm left thinking this probably won't work out based on how Charlie and Lottie's betas went.

But I'm aware there is a chance that it still might.

I pray there's going to be a clear sac just so I can not worry about ectopic. (And be right lol!! )

Still got the other scan Monday so if I see a sac I won't repeat my bloods but if I don't it will be bloods Saturday.

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My goodness, sounds like an awfully stressful day. Hope there is a clear sac tomorrow xx
Oh Hun a really stressful day :( I hope tomorrow makes you feel better and reassures you and all is ok in there xx

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