May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

I keep reminding myself that to get my rainbow I'll have to go through this torturous trimester one of the times it will be different just got to hope this is that time.
I think the negative feelings are a completely normal reaction to the situation. I think it's our minds way of trying to protect us just in case anything should go wrong.
I'm currently 6+5 so you can tell from my signature why I'm crazily worried right now lol.
This is my fifth pregnancy and I have one son and three angel babies. Pregnancy after loss is just such a worry. There really is little to no enjoyment in it at all.

Just want to wake up in tri 2!! Lol!

Agreed :) wake me up in a few weeks time!
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How is everyone getting on today?

I've had my early scan, measuring a few days behind but everything else was good and there was a strong fast heartbeat! Scan lady said little one was likely to catch up by 12 weeks and she is booking me in for another scan in 5 weeks. Eeeek! I'm in a bit of shock and can't quite take it in at the moment.
So sorry summer xx

Great news Snowbee,
I had to see my GP today, she has referred me to the hospital. I have to have my bloods taken at SureStart. She wants me to have a scan before my 12 week scan so I'm waiting for it all to come through the post xx
Great news snowbee I'm so happy for you x x x x
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Thanks to all xx I had a scan today (which was already pre-booked) and bloods done again just to confirm mc. The midwife was lovely and now I will start the process of tests. It seems like a few of you in here have had previous mc's. All the doctors I've spoken to are positive in that one day I/you will have a baby. So all of you try (easier said than done) not to worry and think positive. Good luck and good bye - hopefully be joining you again soon x
So sorry summer �� It's a really hard thing to go through but there is no reason that you will not have a baby, your body tried this time, I am sure next time will be successful xx

I have had some more bleeding this afternoon, rang EPU and they won't bring my scan forward even though I told them how anxious I am! So now I am having to look at a £95 private scan but I just can't keep going through this horrendous anxiousness until Monday.. I feel desperate now to know everything is ok, surely by now it would be early enough to see a heartbeat? I think I am about 6.5 weeks, it's been 3 weeks today since my positive test. So scared all the time it's really getting me down and now more blood :( :( xx
Oh lou I hope it's nothing to worry about. It's so worrying. I keep getting pains that I'm trying not to think about. I'm really really struggling with this sickness though.
Lou, have you managed to book a private scan? I think it's terrible that they won't bring it forward xx
Fab news snowbee, I knew all would be ok xx
So sorry summer �� It's a really hard thing to go through but there is no reason that you will not have a baby, your body tried this time, I am sure next time will be successful xx

I have had some more bleeding this afternoon, rang EPU and they won't bring my scan forward even though I told them how anxious I am! So now I am having to look at a £95 private scan but I just can't keep going through this horrendous anxiousness until Monday.. I feel desperate now to know everything is ok, surely by now it would be early enough to see a heartbeat? I think I am about 6.5 weeks, it's been 3 weeks today since my positive test. So scared all the time it's really getting me down and now more blood :( :( xx

That makes me so cross!

I'd just tell then you've got pain on one side and your shoulder! They'll scan you then!!

My fertility clinic are squeezing me in for a scan with my fertility consultant at 8.15 on Friday am, soooo relieved I don't have to wait until Monday but terrified of what they are going to find! I am so bloated today and just feel really sore again in my lower abdomen a bit like last time I had a bleed, also just feel sore and achy down below its really weird and only just come on since my bleed which has now stopped. Done another frer because I had one in and the line is so dark and the control line is really faint, praying this is just more implantation and due to straining because I am constipated, I was sick yesterday and the day before so I still have symptoms, clinging onto everything, just tomorrow to get through...

Lou xx
What if it's ectopic?? Can you get ectopic pregnancies from embryo transfer? When the doctor examined me last week I did not have any pain around my Fallopian tubes? And why would the pain be there and then for a week be gone.. I guess Friday will tell me! X
I think I've read it is possible to have an ectopic even from a transfer but is fairly unusual. Hopefully the soreness is just everything settling in and stretching. I hope Friday comes round soon for you.
I hope it's all just normal stretching. You bled with Harrison so maybe it's just normal for you. Sometimes if I have a large amount of cm inside me I feel very achy down there.
Oh god I don't think you're ectopic but meant you could tell a white lie!

You're sorted now so never mind.


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