May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

I'm back at home now. They seem to think either miscarriage or dehydration. I'm worried because the anti sickness pills say don't use when pregnant unless hp thinks absolutely necessary :s.
Hi Eryi,

My good friend who's a midwife took the strongest ones and she's delivering her twins Friday at 37 weeks. Her sis also too the same ones and he a healthy 1 year old.

Nikki if it makes you feel better the when I had my daughters scan I was 5 days behind. And yesterday I was looking earlier than I thought even though both times in knew my dates.

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I said I didn't want to know my hcg score coz I'd worry. But it's here in black and white
"Patient is known to have a pregnancy on uncertain viability hcg score 95000" I should be about 6weeks 3 days by my calculations about 6 weeks by doctors calculations. Is that normal? In my miscarriages I had lower hcg like 5000 or something
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That is pretty high, 7 weeks plus I would say looking at various charts online.

I suspect your little one is just fine, you have had quite a bit of sickness and pain from other unrelated areas so maybe your body is just struggling to cope. I would take the sickness pills, keeping food down will help you to feel better, help your body to heal and of course keep your little one growing well. I know this is coming at the worse possible time for you but chin up and stay positive, this will happen, it will work out, little one will be ok xx
I phoned my go and she said only take one a day of the sickness pills I was prescribed 3x day from the hospital. So confused. I'm glad it's high maybe that's why I feel so same I'll. I'm Def not 7 weeks though that's just impossible lol
glad your home eri. are they going to do a scan?

I call it a dildo cam as well lisey lol yeah she did move it around a bit then checked my ovaries maybe to check it's no ectopic? the days are dragging already :( it's very possible my dates are wrong as I didn't ovulate till around cd 19 maybe later so hoping that's all it is
Just looked at my notes from Lottie's pregnancy and at 6 weeks she was 33,700.

That would have jumped to 90,000 about 6.2 to 6.4.

That's a great number.

What did your last scan show?

Eryi I doubt you'd be ectopic with a number that high too.

Now I've seen that I am a bit more reassured. I've got a scan next Monday. Lat time they saw a gestational sac and near the end he said he saw a yolk sac but the picture was very distorted so he wasn't sure. The pain seemed to go once the drip started to kick in. I've got cosine for the pain but a laxative too coz cosine isn't good on that front lol. He said he wanted to scan me last again because he couldn't be sure until he saw a baby inside that it was 100% in he right place but he thought that it should be from the markers. Again the scan had a lot of interference due to the location of the pregnancy my inability to pee and my tilted uterus lol
Hey May Mummies, I'm a fellow May 2016 Mummy and wanted to congratulate you all on your bfps. I am also so excited to see so many names I know getting their rainbow babies :)
Eryinera I took metachlopromide, prochlorprozine and ondansetron anti sickness meds in all 3 of my pregnancies as I'm allergic to cyclizine but never had any problems taking them xx

If it would make you feel better usually a private scan has a state of the art scanner.

I saw Charlie was a boy at 13 weeks on one!

It was a bupa one.

The tablets my friend had are Stemetile, I had the propchlorozine last time.

Eryinera. I really don't think it's over with those numbers. If you search what they should be you will see you are nearer the top end. I would go for a private scan too xx
Thanks girls and Heya kanga! How's it going! Now my side pains gone and things like nausea have returned I'm back on the positive side of this stupidly crazy rollercoaster. It's just so hard when the doc says "we've really got to be thinking miscarriage with your history really" why do doctors do this?? They just want the easy way out sometimes but it's shit lol. I had a sit down for an hour today with a med student doing a report on miscarriage for his group work. It was so good to vent he wanted to know everything in such detail out of everyone I felt like he was the one who really listened and he really understood what makes or breaks a patient going through this is how the doctors respond and what they say is crucial. I hope he remembers our conversation when he's graduated and tired at 3am and a poor woman is sobbing in front of him!

I may well go for a private scan if I can get the energy to get out of bed I'm really struggling eating today I've had a few spoons of soup a nibble of pasta a half a bag of crisps. Ant tips on what to try?
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Well I'm back on a downer!!

I got my bloods done yesterday and my hcg is doing great, it's doubling and is 4503. So around the twin average and above the singleton average.

My issue is my progesterone, it's dropping and pretty big drops.

The thing is initially it was through the roof, probably because I OV'd more than one egg resulting in two corpus luteums and twice the progesterone.

So one of two things may be happening..

1. It's dropping because my pregnancy is failing

2. My ovaries are not working properly to produce progesterone. I believe this could be true as I've had luteal phase spotting recently and also got negative CD 21 when I'm pretty sure I did ovulate. I get pregnant easily about 45% success rate if you take the cycles ttc/times getting pregnant.

So I'm thinking of getting progesterone suppositories.

The problem is I'm going to have to try and talk my Gp into giving them to me! Which I'm assuming will be an effort.

My private doc is in either Manchester/London and I've not got my clomid from him as it's expensive say £200 vs £40.

My consultiant who looks after me in pregnancy is at a hospital about 20 miles away and I've not referred yet as wanted to get to see a heartbeat first. ( my friends are midwives at this hospital that's why I go there over the local ones nearer me! )

My other option is speaking to the local hospital where my scan is on Monday but I'm not officially under anyone there either!!

My next plan which I've already done is message my friend and Botox guy who's also a private GP!!

OMG I bloody hate this!

Hopefully all is ok with progesterone. My gp said they couldn't prescribe progesterone. They do, now that the private consultant asked them to transfer it over to nhs script.
Can you call the private consultant and say you are pregnant and concerned about progesterone, surely he would prescribe it xx
Oh I hope everything is OK in it poss you oved more than one egg but only one stuck? I would Def get on the phone and start asking questions though x x
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