May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

I got my bfp on the 2nd September. and they said it was measuring 5-6 weeks
Just catching up ladies, hope your all ok xx
My backs a bit better I can move around now sickness is here and present as is tiredness boobs aren't as sore today.

I've noticed something and wondering if you girls have too. I can clearly tell I have some of my husbands genes on board lol
I drenched myself in water from the tap and stood in front of the fan when usually in a day like today a duvet would be much more prefered lol yet it's something hubby does all the time
I drank plain water even hubby commented on that he cant recall me drinking plain water in the 14 years he's known me lol. Yet again something hubby always does
And when going for a fruity snack I chose apple over orange. Again hus preference not mine!

I think I'm turning into a 30 year old man lol
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Oh weird! I've not noticed anything like that yet but if I start eating rare steak I'll know something is up (yuk!)...
Hiya Everyone. Just joined here. I'm due 13th May, currently 6w+1d. Had an early scan last Thursday 15th and have midwife booking app on 22nd. This is my second baby, I have Gracie, she was born on 20.01.14.
I'm in a&e now they think I may have an infection but aren't ruling out something wrong with the pregnancy. I think right now I've resigned myself to bad news it's the 6th-7th week for me not a good news week.
I'm in a&e now they think I may have an infection but aren't ruling out something wrong with the pregnancy. I think right now I've resigned myself to bad news it's the 6th-7th week for me not a good news week.

Oh blimey, fingers crossed little bean is ok!! How are you feeling now? Do they know what it could be causing that much pain? Kidney stones?! x
They have mentioned my kidney but won't scan tof see if ectopic given me codine still hurts

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