*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Good luck tomorrow Lou, looking forward to checking in after work and seeing your lovely scan photo ;-)

Had my first half of booking appt tonight. Got to go into the mlu on Wednesday for mum to take bloods and urine sample and fill in a few more forms. Hopefully be about 3.5 weeks till dating scan but won't know for another week or so (wahhhh, it's such a long wait!!!).

All of a sudden the weeks seem to be whizzing by. I want to just stop feeling sick and enjoy this pregnancy, savour every moment. I was always wishing and waiting for the next thing before!!! X

how come your mum is allowed to be your mw? I thought you weren't supposed to treat family?
She shared my care in my first pregnancy but her bosses have ok'd it - I think because I've not had any previous problems etc it's ok?
i think id want anyone but my mum being my midwife lol. my mum is a nurse, but the thought of her treating me is kinda horrifying even though were really close. i need someone i can moan about my midwife to.
I can moan about my mum to my mum if I need to, haha!! I don't know how I'd feel this time if I had someone else, the antenatal stuff is all quite routine so not too bothered about that, but I HATED the midwife that delivered my son, she was awful, but I was so aware through the whole labour that I couldn't be rude because she was my mums colleague (she was just ignoring my wishes the whole time and putting me off), whereas mum will listen to me, and she knows what I want before I even say it really! I think I'm in quite a lucky position with her - she's definitely not a panicker of any kind either!! Mind - bit awkward getting a sweep from your mum!!
Is anyone worried they are eating too much? Sounds like a stupid question I know.
I'm trying my hardest not to eat for two, but I'm struggling lol I'm eating as much fruit as poss as snacks but finding my lunch and dinners are crap!!!
I have the need to eat to stop me feeling ill, chewing gum was working but the effect had worn off :(
I do worry that in chosing the wrong foods.
I have pizza for dinner lastnight and again for lunch today aswell as jam on toast and 2 packs of mini chedders lmao!

I gained 4st in my last pregnancy and felt horrible near the end.

Soon as my nausea is out the way and tri 2 arrives im hoping to feel better again.
I have a healthy IG account where i used to document my food and weightloss when i was losing baby weight before. It really helped as i have over 3k followers.

So when ive had my scan ill go back to that and try and keep as healthy as poss and not gain like i did before.

Im happy with a 2stone gain this time, anything more id be annoyed at myself x
I had pizza last night and again for lunch, dam tesco for having those Chicago town micro pizzas on offer!!!
I have told myself I'm having fish tonight
I've always been able to get away with eating what I like and never gained weight but I think this is going to different!
I was the same too hun!
Im 6ft and and always been about 11.7 to 12st with a bmi of 22ish!

I got to 16st full term lol!
I did get bk to 11.10 March this year but was 12.7 when i got my bfp this time. And i weighed this morning and im 12.13 already lol!! FML! Xx
I dread to think what I am now, I feel huge!!!! Always been around the 8.5 stone mark. I'm so worried about it. I've said once the nausea settles down I'm going back to healthy eating
Eating all the time because it's the only way to keep the nausea at bay...ironically I was really good at eating healthy before I got pregnant, and now I crave all the bad foods, and I can't really control it. Usually a vegetarian, and ended up with a cheeseburger the other day, which was probably my lowest so far.

Hopefully it'll stop soon...a lot of the online advice says that eating bad stuff is okay during the first trimester as long as you're eating at all. I suppose there are limits, though. ;)
i just soke to my mum who said my grandmother knows... she hasnt told her but she keeps saying "so... when is jo thinking about another baby? soon, or...?" and then today when i rang her she just said "o have you got any news for me? anything... you know exciting or anything?" guiltily, i said "no, nothing really" and she sai "nothing? nothing new? no NEWS?" and i said... no, not hat i can think of.

i gfeel like an awful person, but im only coming up 10 weeks and idont want her to get upset if the scan goes wrong... also the scan is on her birthday so id like to be able to pop a scan picture into her great-grandma birthday card.
Hi ladies

Just got home... Everything was fine saw baby and the amazing heartbeat!! Measured 6 weeks 4 days which is about what I thought I would be. Soooooo relieved!!!!! We are both really excited just got to get through the next 5 weeks until our 12 week scan :) xxxx
Yay! Really happy for you Lou! Here's to the next 5 weeks eh?? Xxx

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