*****May 2016 Mummies*****

I remember going for a 9am appointment last time with a full bladder and they asked me if they minded putting someone ahead of me as an emergency - of course having been in that situation before I said oh god no problem, let her go first (the poor girls was crying her eyes out in the waiting room and her scan wasn't toll 10:00 so we basically swapped. Her baby was fine thank god) anyway I had to wait from 9- 10:15 with a full bladder and then they scanned me and I almost wet myself. Not pleasant lol
No middle of the night wees Jem!!! Im glad you've had it sorted out at least :-) I'm just waiting for the letter now with my date. Hopefully soon!!

I've developed a crappy cold throughout the day (apparently as has husband) but luckily I'm off the next 2 days as my monster has impetigo and can't go to nursery.

Went to the MLU to finish my booking appt today. I was all set on a home birth because I hated the hospital last time, but it's SO nice there. All brand new, the pool room is all equipped for an active birth and no bed but something different to climb on... I'm definitely strongly considering that now! Will see how I feel closer to the time I guess.
I have the most serious bloat this evening, I can't even stand up straight without discomfort, it's that big I look like I could be carrying quads
Tigger im also full up and streaming with a cold! Throat is also on fire.
Have my flu jab tomorrow. Bit pointless now lol!
Haha, eaw I walked in the door tonight and my OH gave me a cuddle, touched my tummy and said "you definitely look pregnant tonight"! Thanks mate!! People are going to guess before I can tell them, I know it!!!

I've got my flu jab next weds - it'd be so much worse to have flu babyslog, just imagine how crappy you feel now x10!! Xx
Will they still do it with me being blocked up? I dnt have a temp just a cold soni think thats still ok? I defo still want it! My immune system is shite otherwise!

I act like im dying when i get a cold lmao! X
I think they'll still give it, I've never heard otherwise??
Glad you managed to sort a scan before your honeymoon Jem, must be such a relief to know you'll see baby before you go :-)

When I had my 12 week scan with Oscar, they said my bladder looked too full so I might need to HALF empty it.....how?!?! Once you start, there's no stopping it lol (sorry, tmi!) luckily they managed to get a good picture anyway, but I've never been so glad to run to the loo afterwards!!

My hips have been so sore today :-( I'm getting the pains all in my hips, legs, bum, inner thighs, pubic bone.....it's horrible. It wasn't this sore until mouth further on last time. I'm hoping it just stays at this level rather than getting too much worse, but I know that's unlikely especially now I have a 1 yr old to run around after too.
I work in a nursery and we go for walks every Wednesday and Thursday (we're in the middle of nowhere so walk down the lanes and to the woods :-) ), but I've had to say I can't go this week cos I know I'll be paying for it when I get home otherwise. I'm hoping none of the other girls question why I'm staying behind while they all go out....best get thinking of some excuses!! Xx
I was blocked with rhinitis when I had my jab. No problems
Jenni I HATE looking for excuses why not to do stuff! I've got a hen do on Saturday to go to - a tree tops trial type place that I've had to pull out of (bride is my best friend and know my secret!) so I'm going to say I've got some sort of injury, but then we're going to a spa and I can only use the pool! No idea how to explain that - plus I'll be sat all on my lonesome when they wander off to the sauna/steam room! Then the no drinking. I think I might well give it away on Saturday!!!
Oh no! How gutting that you're missing out on all of that! Will be totally worth it tho when baby arrives :-)
I have no idea what I'm going to say this morning, they're all going to be asking me why I'm not going on the walk. As soon as I say it's my hips, they'll all know because that's why I ended up finishing work early last time round :-/ a few are already questioning why I'm down to leave early next Thursday (for my scan!!). If I was full time, I'd just say I had a doctors appointment and that would be fine, but as I'm part time everyone knows that I'm obviously expected to make appointments on my days off. Roll on 12 weeks, only another 3.5 weeks to go!!! Xx
Oh jenni! Can't you say you're just not fancying the walk? Or that you slept funny and your back is giving you trouble? And what about just saying you're having a long weekend so have the Thursday afternoon off? That's if you don't work friday haha

I heard the heartbeat on my doppler this morning!! So bloody exciting
How come your scans so early Jenni?? Mines being booked for week commencing 06/11, hopefully it'll be on 06/11!!! Do you know what, I'm not even bothered about people guessing this time. They'll only say something if they're particularly rude xx
All of preschool have to go, so it's not an option to just say I don't fancy it (I wish it was!).
I would say long weekend, but I'm leaving my son at the nursery while I go for the scan, then coming back to pick him up at my normal finishing time, so they're definitely going to wonder what's going on! I might just say I've got to take my nan/grandad for a hospital appointment or something. I've got a week to get thinking lol.

When I first went to the docs, I wasn't sure on dates so said my lmp was sometime in the first week of August, which gave me a due date of 7th May. I since worked it out, and lmp was 8th aug, so edd 14th May. I then had a private early scan, which put me back 8 days, so currently due 22nd May! I told the mw about the scan and dates at the booking in, but she took no notice. So the scan I've got next week is going by original mw dates where I'd be 11+ weeks, I'll actually be 9+4 so pretty sure I'll be going back for another. Silly really, but I don't mind :-) xx
Ahh I see! Makes sense!! It'll get you 2 scans which is a mega bonus - I wouldn't complain :-) I think I'm going to be put back at my scan. My current EDD is based on a 28 day cycle but I've NEVER been regular.

Is anyone else growing odd hairs? I always have on my chin, but there's an extra one that always seems to appear in pregnancy and it's bloody back! Grr!! X
I'm hoping I do get a second scan now haha.
It's so frustrating getting put back with dates, makes it all seem so much longer lol. I was 7 weeks for 2 weeks after being put back at the early scan.

I had a big, thick black hair under my belly first time round. My oh found it so funny.....I didn't!! Xx
How is everyone doing today?

I noticed this afternoon, that it's starting to feel quite firm right down low, around my panty line. Feeling quite achey and can feel all the stretching and pulling starting :-) all good signs.

I went to collect photos from Oscar's first birthday shoot today, I love them all! I have no idea where they're all going to go, there's so many!


Sorry, couldn't resist sharing a few! Xxx
Ah Jenni they're lovely!! I wish we'd done something similar but I was never organised enough!! Woohoo for a hard belly - I think mines going to be a bit flabby for a while!

I ordered the last of the little mans Christmas presents this week from Smyths. Had a text from my Hermes yesterday to say it would be delivered hopefully sometime that day. Nothing, no card etc (even though I was in). Checked tracking today "in shed".... We don't have an accessible shed! So who has my Xmas presents?!? So mad!!!! X
How is everyone doing today?

I noticed this afternoon, that it's starting to feel quite firm right down low, around my panty line. Feeling quite achey and can feel all the stretching and pulling starting :-) all good signs.

I went to collect photos from Oscar's first birthday shoot today, I love them all! I have no idea where they're all going to go, there's so many!


Sorry, couldn't resist sharing a few! Xxx

Omg hes gorgeous!!!
Ah Jenni they're lovely!! I wish we'd done something similar but I was never organised enough!! Woohoo for a hard belly - I think mines going to be a bit flabby for a while!

I ordered the last of the little mans Christmas presents this week from Smyths. Had a text from my Hermes yesterday to say it would be delivered hopefully sometime that day. Nothing, no card etc (even though I was in). Checked tracking today "in shed".... We don't have an accessible shed! So who has my Xmas presents?!? So mad!!!! X

This happened to me!!!

But it was fat burning pills lmao!
I was home all day, tracking said (over side gate)
I live in a mid row terrace!!!!!?

Found the thrown over thr very end house (5doors away) side gate fence into their back garden!

They were on holiday so mike had to climb over!
I kicked off and said he didnt even knock my door! And then dumped it over a neighbours wall 5 sodding doors down!!!!!?

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