*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Great news lou!

I had my booking appointment with the midwife today, yay! I'm 10+2 by her dates, due 9th May. Scan is next week at 11+4, the day before we go on honeymoon
What a lovely send off to holiday Jem! I'm quite excited the May mums are starting to get their scans come round, hopefully means mine isn't too far!!! Xx
Great news Lou.

It's finally house move day today and I'm dreading it, can't wait for it all to be over and done with.

On the plus side cant believe I'm almost at 12 weeks already...it's gone scarily fast, I was expecting to feel better by now though but for the last 4 days the nausea has been worse to the point I've nearly been sick on myself twice in the car ��
Great news Lou :-)

Exciting that more scan dates are coming through. Mine is in 8 days :-)

I was starting to worry that I hadn't felt sick for a few days, then my hips were so sore yesterday so I know something is still happening in there :-) not looking forward to how bad my hips will be later on though if they're already this sore :-/ xx
I'm 10 weeks tomorrow, cant believe that's 25% of the way there ��. No sign of a scan date yet, at booking in last Friday mw said it could be 10 days before I get one (starting from Monday), but obviously I'm impatient and cant understand why they just can't send me one now cos I'll nearly be 12 weeks by the time they get a date sorted and its been hard enough waiting this long, I better not be kept waiting till 13 weeks, I might implode. *Taps foot and harrumphs noisily* #waitingforthepost
Morning all!

Has anyone thought of ways they are announcing?

Most my family and close friends know already. But we were thinking of a fun way on fb lol.

Ive been browsing pintrest: we are going to out Noah in his Superman outfit holding the scan and ill write next to him 'every superhero needs a sidekick - Arriving May 2016'

Lol! X
I've pinned so many babyslog!! Still no idea though. Lots of friends have been doing shoe related announcements lately so I think something a bit different to that!! X
I've pinned so many babyslog!! Still no idea though. Lots of friends have been doing shoe related announcements lately so I think something a bit different to that!! X

As we are having a gender scan ive had a browse for ideas of that too! Lol..

Thinking of painting noahs hands pink or blue and putting photo in black and white..
Then a photo in colour removing his hands on my belly showing the gender colour :)

So american and OTT but i love it haha! Xx
Argh!!! Hospital called this morning, they had no booking for my scan next week (thank god my midwife checked) because for some stupid reason they'd booked it for 22nd September!

I've now been told the sonographer won't scan me next week as I'll be "too early" so we have to wait until 9th November after were back off honeymoon - i'll be 14+1 by then!!!!!

Luckily DH has just agreed to pay for a private scan as the nhs won't reassure me before we go. But how aggravating!!
Oh Jem, how gutting for you, is that too late for the nuchal test (if you wanted to have it). What a good job you checked though, would have been awful to arrive for when you thought it was booked to be turned away. How infuriating.
Plus, you'd definitely have been too early on 22nd September so why not do it next week!
Problem solved! They lied, they didn't have any free appointments next week, it's not too early. I put my foot down, said I needed a clear edd from an ultrasound to be able to go on my honeymoon according to my travel insurance, giving the stage I'm at currently (evil laugh!) so the lovely lady is going to come in early herself next Wednesday and scan me! Yay!

I said to my mum that I feel ridiculously high maintenance, but I can't go off on honeymoon without knowing how my baby is doing!
What twats!!!!
So glad uve had an appointment tho hun!!
Yay and i cant wait to see it xx
Haha I've felt very smug all day as a result :-) and I think my nuchal test is still in November so yay to a bonus scan! Still have to wait 6 more days. No idea how the whole full bladder at 7.30am is going to work for me, but i'll give it a go lol
I wouldnt worry so much about the full bladder.
Ive had 2 scan 7+3 & 8+4 both on my belly and both times i didnt have a full bladder. Perfect photos.

My dating scan is 8.30am on tues next week.
In just guna down a pint of water at 7.45 ish and that should do! Xx

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