Matilda Rose Robertson 1/4/12

Gosh - you both certainly went through it. Congratulations though on your little girls arrival! Xx
What a birth story!!! So glad you are both ok but I really feel for you and Tilly, you both went through a she is worth it though and I LOVE her name :) xxx
Thank you ladies!

Some more pictures of Tilly


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Aww hun you did so well! You should be so proud of yourself!! Tilly is gorgeous! I love her hair and her scrummy cheeks :) xxx
Well done!!! It's all over now so try to relax when you can and enjoy that beautiful girl! Xx
Awwww, she's gorgeous! Sorry you both had such a rough time though xxx
Aw Torino big congratulations!
I had shoulder distocia & McRoberts with my first son (who was also 9lb02) so feel your pain! It was very traumatic & we initially said "no more" - but I've just gone on to have my 2nd so never say never!!!
Second time around they monitor you closely & I had all the top doctors / consultants in for delivery of my 2nd to prevent shoulder distocia. And they did! See you here in 2 years! He he
Welldone again xxxxx
Congratulations again what a rough time of it you had, glad you are both ok tho xx
she is prefect hun be very proud of yourself, she is gonna be a stunner i hope her arm gets better soon x x x
Ohhh Tor she is beautiful!!!! Massive congrats to you!! xxx
What a story, they say the best things in life dont come easy!! She is lovely , glad your ok. xxx
Just catching up no wifi on holiday massive congratulations she is gorgeous!xxx
Aw congratulations, she's gorgeous! Sounds like such a scary birth hun, hope her arm is ok. x x
congrats hun..

poor you u had a tough time..hope you both recover soon xxxx
Your story is very similar to mine.

Theo has physio for his dystocia.

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