Matilda May Kilvington 09.03.2011

Huge congrats!!! She's beautiful!! What a gorgeous family xxxx
aw massive congrats again hun :love::love: i love how kate was there too! so happy for you all, she's gorgeous xxx
wow, well done you! And what a cutie!! x
congrtas! she has a beautiful name! i love matilda!
Thanks so much ladies....ahhh Alice Kate was amazing she loved seeing her baby sister being born and was great support too! Was an experience I wouldnt have wanted her to miss....

Thank you all xxx
What a little treasure, congratulations and well done Wilma x
Congratulations Wilma, she's gorgeous and you all look so happy :)

You're my first BFP to birth :D

Great story :hug:
awwww she's so pretty!! well done and congratulations!! :love:
Well done and congrats to you and family!!! She's lovely and going by the pics on fb, she looks how Kate did as a baby!! x x x
huge congratualations!! :yay: shes beautiful in your pic :love:
Ahhh thank you all ladies ahhh its lovely having her here!

Ooooh thats nocce Louise.....glad Im your first to birth lol :) xxx

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