Matilda May Kilvington 09.03.2011


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Feb 5, 2010
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So Little Legs is here!!!

BABY K........Matilda May Kilvington
DATE.....,.....Wed 9th March 2011
WEIGHT.......8lbs 6.5oz

So heres the how, where when etc etc hope you enjoy reading xx

Ok Tues 8th March I was taken into delivery for a planned induction.

They advised that depending on if my cervix was favourable would depend on if I had the 6 hour induction hormone or the 24hour induction after an internal I was 1.5cm dialated and everything was looking good so I had the 6 hour one put a couple of hours sleep and then 5.20 the contractions started very mild tho at this point!

7am they checked me again and I was now 3cm dialated so MW advised that she could break my waters then or wait till 2pm....we decided to wait as breaking them would mean nasty contractions and not necessarily dialting at the 1cm per hour rate they advise. Was also having an epidural as soon as they had broke my waters to help with the fatigue and make sure I didnt have any spasms so I was happy with the plan.

So DH and DD came back to the hospital at 9am...contractions were getting stronger but bearable.
So we just chatted and they stuffed their faces lol and before we knew it the time was flying and it was 2pm....
Contractions were getting worse by now so I asked for something for them...I had two paracetimol and 2 codine...didnt really helo but there you!

So she checked me again and advised that everything was going great and she was going to break my waters.....WATERS!!!! It was like a tidal soaked her through and literally within about 5 mins the daddy of all daddy contractions kicked in! So they gave me some gas and air and after inhaling it a few times I blacked out and had a massive spasm. Apparently the MW hit the emergency pull and withing seconds the room was filled with MW's and drs.... They asked when I had last ate with a view to an emergency section...thankfully David was there to tell them what was going on, that I wasnt having a fit but that I would come out of it and be fine so they stayed with me and observed for a while till I came round and was able to talk again....

I was by now in a lot of pain, couldnt have the gas and air, couldnt have any more pain relief and while waiting for my epidural, was advised that they anisthiatist was in surgery and they didnt know how long they would be! NOOOOOOOOOOO I needed something to help take the edge off and combat the fatigue!

Sooo after all the comotion the time was now around 3.20pm and the contractions were horrendous and coming thick and fast.
The pressure was immense and I knew I had to push and NOW!

DD went and got the MW and I also had amature student in with me so they both came in and said I dont think its time yet its prob just the pressure pushing down on your bits and making you feel like you need to push but said they will check me anyway!!

Just as well they did....MW said oh yes...this baby is coming and now.....her head was starting to they said ok if you want to push just push....
Oh I wanted to push alright but jeeeeez how much did it hurt lol!

Anyway she was coming whether I liked it or not!
Another contraction later and her head was just about out while Im winging owwww its stinging what do I do now???lol!
Then with an almighty grimmace and another push, her head was out....STOP PUSHING AND PANT they said....then with the next contraction her shoulders and body shot out like a ferrari lol!

OMG what a feeling......pain....yes immense pain as I did it all without any pain relief but that went the second they handed the baby to me.

I asked is it alright....what is it? So she said yes its fine and then asked DH and DD to see waht we had....they were both in tears by this time and announced we had been blessed with a gorgeous baby girl!

They placed her on me and wowwwwww......OMG the tears just rolled!

You all know that feeling when we just cant come down from the clouds and cant stop watching them and smiling....ahhhh we were all a gooooey mess!

So....the Placenta didnt want to come out straight away so they pushed and tugged a bit then I said I need to push push I did and out it popped...bearly as big as the baby....never seen anything so big lol but they waid at lease shes had a good source of nutrition lol!

Ahhhh it fels amazing!

So they checked me over for tears etc and I had a small 1st degree tear but nothing bad enough to stitch and a couple of grazes but again nothing major so I was very lucky to get away without anything :)

Then they left us to have some time alone with baby, Daddy and big sister with a round of tea and toast......then I had a shower and at about 10pm the took us up to the post natal ward and settled us in and spend our first night together!

So we spent two nights in hosp and came home on fri tea time and its been an amazing few days.

Im breast feeding her and thats going great so far so long may that last....and were both doing absolutely great!

Myself, DH and DD just love her to bits and were all totally in love with thats the way Little Legs entered the world and were loving every second with her......thanks for reading xxx

Ahhhhhh I cant tell you all how happy we are to have our little miracle here with us. Shes a little star and we couldnt be happier.....


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It sounds like you did amazingly!! I am so happy for you!! She's so lush! :love: x
Congratulations :) you did so well. She's beautiful x
Well done wilma, what a trooper!!! U did a great job and Matilda is beautiful xx
Thank you ladies....I certainly surprised myself as didnt think I would cope without an epidural but I think adrenalin just took over and got her here safe and sound.... Ahhhh Im sooo in love with her we all are and cant stop looking at her. and coooing lol!

I just have to look at her and Im in tears cant believe shes here, shes safe and shes ours.....xxxxx
Im so pleased for you xxx Congrats she is beautiful! xx
Awww well done hunny :hug:

Huge Congrats again xxx
Wow sounds like you did an amazing job Wilma, congratulations again on your gorgeous baby girl xxx
Big congratulations again. You did amazingly! So pleased you've got your LO safe and sound :)
Well done and.huge Congrats again!!!! She's gorgeous :)

Wow!! Well done Hun and huge congratulations, she's a stunner xx
She's beautiful hun! Congratulations!! She missed being born on my 30th by 1 day! lol x
Massive massive congrats honey x she is gorgeous and wow how well did you do!!!!!
Congratulations, she is lovely! X
haha I started crying from reading this....I am sitting at my desk in tears! So glad I am here on my own today.

Congratulations Wilma on the birth of your beautiful daughter and welldone you for a natural delivery!!

Matilda is a lovely name xx
Thank you all very much ladies.....having given birth without any pain relief was definately an experience and a very painful one.....BUT one I would happily do all again as what we get at the end is worth any amount of pain knowing they get here safe and sound....!

Just cant stop smiling lol xxx
Ahh thank you SPC....I have to admit I NEVER in a million years expected to not get an epidural or thought that I could do it without but you know what its like...when they want out they want out and NOTHING will stop them lol! But I would still do it all again if I had to knowing Id get a lovely baby and be sooo ecstatic! lol xxx
Awww well done Wilma you did fantastic - and little Matilda May is beautiful xx

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