maternity leave


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Hi Ladies,

I was just wondering if anyone has taken their maternity leave from the earliest point possible and if so what your reasons were??

I have just found out someone who I cannot work with may be coming back to work here and when he was here before we clashed so much that I used to go home in tears and I dont want that kind of stress in my pregnancy!
I personally havent but a girl in work has just brought hers forward to go as soon as she can because she has been feeling really tired all the time and generally unwell and kept getting signed off on the sick so just decided to take her leave to save all the hassle xxx
Have you got any holiday left?? I went at 32 weeks but taking 5 weeks holiday so technically I'm not on mat leave until about 10 days before I'm due!!
I think the earliest they can pay you maternity pay is 11 weeks before baby is due. So say 29 weeks. If you have holidays left like i did, i took them before i started the leave. You can finish before that i think but i think it would have to be on medical grounds? And obviously you would'nt get paid (unless you get a good sick pay?)
Il b starting mine (kind of) from 29 weeks but that's cos I'm self employed. I will continue doin hair til Xmas time when il b 34 weeks then put a stop to every1 except family xx
im not takin maternity leave until im 39weeks!! bt i am taking 2 weeks leave before this so il be finishin work at 37 weeks, only reason im hanging on is allthough im shattard now i want to spend more time with baby and financially works out better for me for full pay over xmas


I can't really decide until the time comes. If the weather is bad like last year, then I physically won't be able to get to work, so will have to take maternity leave, but would rather leave it to the last minute like Amy, cos then I'll be able to spend as much time as poss with the baby.

It's not good that you're being forced to take it early though - is there anyone you can talk to about it, or somewhere else should could work until you're gone?
thanks girls well im not really being forced to I just cant stand the guy we really clashand pregnancy makes my tolerance very low! lol!

I dont have any holiday left this side of xmas but in january I get my new lot of holiday and I assume that i can use this before maternity leave then? if so then that wont be so bad at it means I wont have to go back after xmas?
Jennilisanne - the weather thing is worrying me too cos I commute into the west end and if it snows there is no way i can force myself on the train heavily pregnant with all those people - last year it was soo bad!!!
I will be on maternity 7 weeks today feels like an eternity away and already feeling tired and as if i cant last much longer but startin my maternity pay on 27th so cnt leave earlier as will be on less money for xmas and using the last of my hols before i go wish i had left more hols free now
I feel bad for moaning because I am only 20weeks!!! on top of this idiot coming back to work, the travel really gets to me and I am having to fight with people to get a seat on the tubes (which I think is disgusting) I have men pushing me out of the way on a daily basis on my journey and I think that they bigger I get the less tolerant I will be of this!!
I feel bad for moaning because I am only 20weeks!!! on top of this idiot coming back to work, the travel really gets to me and I am having to fight with people to get a seat on the tubes (which I think is disgusting) I have men pushing me out of the way on a daily basis on my journey and I think that they bigger I get the less tolerant I will be of this!!

i think you can get a badge from mothercare to indicate you are pregnant and to encourage other commuters to give up their seat.

try that link and have a read, i know that there will still be some people who think they are entitled to a seat but non the less making it more obvious can't be a bad thing. I didn't start to show properly until i was 28 weeks!

Emma x
I am currently 32 weeks and have only three weeks to work finishing 20th Oct. I work part-time at the minute so I am not finding it t oo bad although on my days off I just sit around and generally am so tired wish it was sooner. When I start min I finish on 20th October but it is hols until 3 rd november and thats me to 15th Aug 2011. Felt a bit strange yesterday as they were interviewing for my job!! Really cant wait to get finished now!!
I'm not officially taking my maternity leave until 36 weeks but I've been signed off work for the last 3 so far, back at the doctors on thursday and when i saw him last he did say that he didn't tink that i would be back at work until after my maternity leave has finished just because of the pain i'm in. I can't even walk to the school and back to pick up my other three boys without setting off severe back ache and belly aches and even some rather strong contractions, the school is only a 4 minute walk away from my house xx
I'm being naughty and going early this time round as I have saved all my holiday for all year and also I hate my job and sooo not going back to that one anyway!

My last day is friday 5th november at 30 weeks! and , mat leave is starting 1st dec at 34 weeks! and then I will have another 5 weeks till baby arrives.

I won't be resting , I have sooo much DIY to do , long list as long as your arm
Im finishing at the end of October for 4 weeks holiday then my mat leave starts in the last week of november and im due mid december. Cant wait to finish now. Im so tired all the time and my days off r mainly spent sleeping.
i left at 30 weeks had 4 weeks hol then my mat leave started at 34 weeks havent been resting though as we moved house so have been decorating etc x
i just handed in my dates - going to take maternity leave on the 20th december so a month before im due, but have 2 weeks holiday so will take this, so that takes me to 6th dec which means a nice 6 weeks off before im due, just in time for christmas and new year!! should be nice x

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