maternity grant question again (sorry last one)

Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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can anyone tell me after they had sent in their request form, how long was it before you heard anything back from them.

mine took about a week, they wrote to me saying the money would be in bank account within a few days
layla do you think that i would qualify, as i earn under 13K, my hubby gets £299 every four weeks (child tax credit) and i get £90 every four weeks (working tax credit)

sorry for all these questions.

dont worry about asking questions hun, its ok :)

i personaly dont see any reason why you wouldnt but i cant say for sure, they work it out per family i think so everyone is diffrent.

I got mine coz my daughter charlie is on disabilty allownce so i get a premium in my child tax credit.

you can always phne up and ask once you have sent the forms off, i did and they were really helpful.

Hi Layla

Just phoned the up. the award has already been done. sent to my bank today, should have cleared by wednesday. cant believe how quick it was only sent the form in yesterday.

thanks for your help.

wow that was quick!

glad you got it, its such a big help :)
I didn't know I might be eligible for this.
I get 23 quid child tax credit per week, we don't get working tax credit though... do you think I should get it?

Is there a helpline?
Hi Urchin

Yep i think you do qualify. you have to be receiving more than £548 a year in child tax credit and as you recieve £23 a week then that is more than £548 isnt it.

This is the telephone number and they were really friendly and helpful 01908 557282.

I filled and sent my form in last thursday and it was awarded to me on friday and should be in my account by wednesday.

good luck

Whooo hooo I hope I can get it!

I had no idea, I though you needed to be on income support etc to get it.

It'd be great if we do I'll let you know!
i got a letter 6 days after i put my claim in the letter then said i would have the money the next day :D :D (so 7 days in total for me)
Has anyone got the address where they sent it??

I have downloaded my form and it says to drop it into your local job centre which is miles away for me!!
I'm just dropping mine back to the job centre, sorry.

Actually, I was looking online earlier, and there was an address for each part of the country.
What area are you in? I'll try and find it again.
That's right mate it's round the corner from where I live.

I've sent off for an appeal form now as they said I cant get it as I'm not on pension credits!! Being told 2 different things now. I suppose I can try eh.

will you have to go on benefits at all once youve had your baby. i mean will you and mark be entitled to tax credit then, have you phoned up the tax credit number and found out. because if you are once baby is here then you are entitled to the grant then.

I dont think we will be entitled then as we will be on the lower rate child tax credits as we dont have any kids already. Or am I totally wrong there ? :?

How much child tax credits do you have to be getting to qualify if we would only have one child under one? isnt the amount nearer £1000 if baby is under one? and £548 if you have a kiddie over 1??

Don't know where I got that from though!! :shock: I'm probably talking twaddle!
I think that you got it right with the amounts but it is worth giving them a ring as they are really really helpful.


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