Maternity Allowance- Please look


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
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Has anyone claimed this already? Im having so much trouble trying to get it!! I sent them 6 pay slips from 1 employer ( I had not recieved the rest) and told them this. The week before xmas, a guy called me and said I had signed and dated the back page too early to claim, and I need to get hold of the other pay slips, and redo the pages that corresponded with this. I thought it would be easy. Oh no............

My employer I was trying to get duplicate wage slips from is being difficult, its run by idiots, and its been 2 months now I have been trying to get the pay slips from them. I just phoned them up and they cut me off, im getting so frustrated by this point, so I rang the head office. They were engaged for ages, so I emailed them and rang and rang and rang..........

Finally I got through to someone in London, but they said the lady that deals with the Stockport branch is on her lunch!So now ive got to wait again!!!

How do they decide how much you get for Maternity Allowance? I thought if you didn't get paid much ( I only worked part time - about £60 a week), you get the standard £106.something a week???? But the guy that I spoke to said I need to send in the weeks when I earnt the most, so I get more!!How does that bloody work? Surely the people who couldn't work very much are entitled to more anyway? Me and my partner are living of his wage at the moment ( I finished work in October).

Sorry about the moan!It seemed so simple to do, but now my head is spinning and Im feeling stressed out!!!

Aww honey i have no idea about your question but can sympathise with you, What a bunch of morons!
I whole benifits thingy drives me mad they dont make it easy at all , and heres me wanting to work right up until the birth! I feel like i should make them sort it out so i can leave work. My back is agony and i'm fed up BUT the good news is we dont have long left Jenny the weeks are flying by!!

Its so cool we are due the same day!!
I think we should compare bump size by measuring round the middle biggest bit over our belly button and see if they measure the same!!!
With MA you need to be earning over £106 a week to get the whole £106. If you didnt then you get 90% of your earnings (which is why you need to send in the pay slips from when you earnt the most as you'll get 90% of that).
I managed to get through to the guy thats sorting it out for me and he explained how you get the £106. I was just wondering how it works, thankyou rosieroo!They def dont make it easy for you!

Ive pm'd you kelly!

Hi a really good website that I found easy to use is you can put in all your personal details and it will work it out for you. Good luck!
Thankyou, its a great website! made it alot easier for me to understand
just thought i'd have a moan and tell you i am still waiting for mine!!!!

Look do you see how old Jack is??????

Arghhhh sent forms in in July, the benifits office is run by pillocks!!!

oh i do feel better now :D

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