*****March 2016 Mummies*****

I lost my hair with DD when she was born nearly 2 years ago and its still growing back now. I just have wispy bits at the side and i hate it. I look like albert einstein. Xx
Hello i'm already in a March 2016 fb group with 50 ish people in.. If anyone wants to be added to that, then drop me a message...

Would also like to be added to your new fb group though. . [email protected] :) thankyou x

First bump pic eeeekkk!! 12 weeks today :)
Lol at the boobs T84 I might start my bump pics tomorrow to celebrate 12 weeks. :-) actually think there is something to see now hehe.

I look like I have devil horns at the side of my head as my tufts still out...awful! Xx
I lost so much hair in the last few months after my little girl hit about 4 months. But not to show off, but I feel like my hair is getting the tri 2 glow about it already! I have just had it cut though so it might just be that! X
Do we move to tri2 at 12 weeks or 13? I remember there being some confusion about it when I had dd. Also remember a few people not moving until 14 weeks :shock:
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow (wow that felt weird typing that! Gone so fast!) But I don't want to move up until after scan on Wednesday anyway :)
13 weeks I think juice

How is everyone . I'm still feeling revolting , forced myself back to work though .... I don't think my antibiotics are helping , I feel dreadful after taking one

Spots are out of control on my jaw line , neck and back and so sore , I only ever get these when pregnant .

Have a lovely bank holiday ladies

Hey all, hope your all good. Can't wait to hit tri 2, I'm at 13 weeks now which seems to weird to me! Got some new maternity clothes today so I can finally be comfortable!
Did anyone use those bump bands? What do they do? I was wandering around mothercare and there is loads of new stuff from last time, saw these bands and can't really work out what they do? Like Spanx for bumps? Lol
Just had a google , I've ne er heard of them before , apparently support your bump and allow you to keep wearing your own clothes to save on maternity like a belt? ... Strange x
Weird, looks like a gut support, would just keep my jiggly bits less jiggly! Lol
My friend gave me a couple when she gave me back my maternity stuff. She got them cheaper in new look tho so maybe worth a shot x
I never had one for last pregnancy and I don't think it would have been much use to me. Basic idea is that you wear it say under a tshirt to cover up the extra bit of tummy you have acquired where your tshirts no longer meet the top of your trousers - and for a bit of support.

That's my brothers wedding all done now. We caught him and his new wife this morning and told them I was pregnant so they knew before honeymoon and they were actually fine and thrilled for us (I think mainly as we had kept it quiet and told them first) they said we should go ahead and tell family but we said we would hold off still so as not to steal the limelight. But then then the bride's brother in law came to congratulate me a while later as she had told her sister so I though I better tell my mum and dad before they found out by accident. They didn't seem at all surprised and to be honest could have been a little more excited about it but that's just them, they are crap at public displays of emotion and would pretty awful at my brothers wedding at seeming excited about the day.

We've decided to wait until the extra scan on Thursday to make the news 'Facebook public' so that we let the wedding get the attention it deserves first x
At least it all worked out Rose :) I'm glad they were happy for you xx
Aw that's good rose, bet it feels like a little weight off your mind now. How are you going to do your Facebook announcement? Looking forward to telling my parents on Monday after the scan. :-)

I had a couple of bump bands last time (never used them!), there was a pack in new look with 2 bands, 2 leggings and 2 tops I think. Might give them another try this time.Xx
Not sure pin badge - I have a video of me asking my little girl what's in my tummy with a perfectly timed reply of 'baba' even though she has no idea what she is saying. Which is cute but I might just go for the straightforward scan photo picture so there is no doubt! X

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