Mamafy Updates: Latest - In hospital again P.5 #71 30th Nov

Just caught this! Hope everything is ok with her and bub xxx

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oh i thought that might have been an update! i'm proper stalking this thread :blush:
really hopes shes ok x x
Bump and I are thinking of you mamafy xxxxxx
Hey guys

Thanks for all the lovely messages and thanks to Wobbs for updating :hug:

Well I'm still in, blood pressure is up/down but I dont need meds for it...and I dont have pre-eclampsia :)

Although last night my temp went up and babys heartrate went up to 200 so they whipped me round to delivery but all settled within an hour.

I'm contracting on/off..the head was 1/5 engaged yesterday and its 3/5 today and boy do I feel it :eh:

So watch this space :D xxx
oh so glad to hear its not preecampsia. :yay:

get as much rest as you can (not easy in hosptial eh?!)

Looking forward to hearing all about the arrival of your baby!!! :cheer:
I do not know how i have missed this!:wall2:

Glad you and bubs are ok!:thumbup: hope you are getting some rest, have a feeling we may be getting a birth announcement very soon! :hugs: xxx
So glad you got the all clear for pre-eclampsia! x hope baby stays put just a little longer x
Oooooo bubs is on the way then =D so glad you're ok chick. x
thankfully u do not have pre eclampsia really pleased for u and hopefully bubs will soon be here!
So glad youre ok Mamafy! Yay for baby being here soon :)
Glad you're ok and so is baby, hope to be reading a birth story soon :) xx
Glad to hear ur ok hon and on tenterhooks waiting to hear good news. Big hugs and look after urself x xx x
So glad to hear it's not pre-eclampsia! Try and have a rest before LO comes :)
sounds like your doing really well, thank god its not preeclampsia eh! hope things go ok for you from now onwards til baby is here! good luck! x
I'm pleased things seem ok chick. I've been really worried about you. Are they keeping you in? Xx
so glad everythings ok! omg you're so close to 37 weeks!! i always said you'd have baby on ella's birthday, so youve got til sat to prepare yourself :lol:

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