male nursery workers!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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how would you feel about a male looking after your child in nursery?

changing nappies etc?

there are a more males appyling for nursery jobs and i know a few nurserys where males work.

i feel uneasy about it,
which i know is a nasty / sexist thing to say :wall:

hope this don't offend any one

just thought it would be interesting to know other people's views
after my past... i barely trust my ex/my ex's dad near my baby girl... so a complete stranger in a nursery being a male... no i just cudnt do it..

i know its sexist, to a degree, but its how i feel and i cant help it..

sorry if ive offended anyone :)
they do go through alot of checks etc

why do we feel this way?

with everything that is happennig in society i think we are all to a point prejudiced against males...

take for instance ian huntly.. he was working in a school so he must have been CRB checked... but still....

i just hate the world we live in.
i wouldnt feel right with it, and i dunno why

i just couldnt see a man looking after my child, not in a nasty way, it just doesnt fit. for ma anyways

Hmmm, not sure but dont think I would feel very comfortable with it :?
I think its a brilliant idea and think their should be more men in pre school years education, and early years education thay have so many different ideas to give and the men i have worked with have been brilliant alot better than some of the women i have worked with
I dont mind male teachers when the child is older but its werid the thought of one with a baby, I think its because we see females as being motherly or something?
I wouldn't mind my child being looked after by a male once he/she could talk and tell me if anything had happened, but not while it was very small. I know it's sexist and a silly view to have as not every man is a phedo but it would worry me, I would feel uncomfortable.
I would be ok with it. There are male techers and no one minds them.

As a nursery nurse I know the training and checks you have to go though. I know some people slip through the net its not fool proof.

When working in a nursery I found that you are never left alone long enough with children to harm them.

Whats to say a woman is 100% safe to work with children. You hear bad things about this on the news about children being neglected and they are femalle nursery nurses.
kitty86 said:
I would be ok with it. There are male techers and no one minds them.

As a nursery nurse I know the training and checks you have to go though. I know some people slip through the net its not fool proof.

When working in a nursery I found that you are never left alone long enough with children to harm them.

Whats to say a woman is 100% safe to work with children. You hear bad things about this on the news about children being neglected and they are femalle nursery nurses.

Um, you just contradicted your self hun :think: You said you're never left long enough with a child to harm them, then go on to say kids are neglected by female nursery nurses!!! Or am I confused?!!! :)

Kierans first nursery, I pulled him out of because there was this girl working there who used to always be getting drunk and beating GROWN MEN up coz she was a loon, and turned out she worked at this nursery and I had to sign an accident form because he had bashed his head and she was the only one present :x
I know she had been in trouble with the police because I used to see it from my window at work every friday and saturday night. S o like you say there is always room for error!
My OH worked for years as a nursey nurse and he also ran the play scheme and he said he did used to get a few funny looks off some of the parents. There was even a couple of people that requested that he shouldn't change there babies nappies :shock: He had all the same training as the female staff and was police checked but there was still that difference. He left in the end, not because of anything other than the poor pay though.
I think its really nice that guys are given the opertunity to work with children. I was doing about this on a diversity course and i dont have a problem with it. I used too but i dont any more. My husband is great with kids and theres other men out there that are the same and its a very rewarding job. :D
I would have no problem at all...just as I would have no problem with a female mechanic fixing my car.

I actually can't believe that the majority of people had a problem, I'm kind of gobsmacked. Women abuse children too you know - they're not all earth mothers :? I think it's a terribly sexist attitiude and demeaning to men to class them all as potentially harmful to your child. Surely you judge each individual and if you're not happy that a nursery ensures the safety of your child - don't leave them there..
My OH is a nursery teacher in a primary school nursery - I know that's a bit different but I'm really sad that some of you feel this way, however I do understand it. I suppose it's a bit different as he is a teacher so getting a fair wage, employment benefits and has career prospects, whereas that might not always be the case for a male nursery nurse so you might be more likely to wonder why they do the job?

He has really strict protocols to follow as the female nursery nurses, classroom assistants and teachers do too - i.e. not being alone with a child without another adult in the room, changing nappies (not often as the children are meant to be toilet trained) or accidents and not touching the children even if they fall over and want a hug etc etc.

In a way it saddens me as if we have friends' children over to visit, he is so disciplined and subconciously worried about doing the wrong thing that he finds it hard to disassociate from his job head and pick them up or comfort them etc - although he does get there in the end.

The majority of parents at my OHs school love the fact that there's a male teacher in the early years.

Valentine xxx

What I meant was in my experience I never found myself left long enough with the children. There was always at least 2 in the room at one time.

Every nursery is different which is where the children can be neglected.

Im confusing myself now. Didnt sleep that well last night my brain isnt working.
valentine - its a shame your partner has to feel that way :(

i dont have a problem with male staff hugging my children rubbing suncream into them nothing like that and i dont mind them changing my sons nappy.
but i know myself that when a little girl has a dirty nappy you have to give it a real good wipe inside sometimes too, and it just makes me feel really uncomfortable a male doing it.

i do really feel sorry for the male workers having to always feel they are being watched etc, but i dont know why i feel this way :(
At my sons old nursery that he attended before we moved there were two male staff members. I was quite impressed that times are moving on.
They were both lovely and my son really enjoyed spending time with them, especially playing football.
I felt it was good for my son to see men in a caring role, rather than being all macho.

I think there should be more male midwives too, there are male gynacologists so why not midwives, as long as they were very caring and supportive.
Ok so us women expect equal rights with jobs, career, opportunities etc.
Why can't men expect the same equal rights in job, career, opportunities etc?
I don't see why some of you would feel wierd with a man working in nursery/pre-school to be honest when you'd be fine with women mechanics, women doctors, women plumbers, women fire fighters....more and more men are entering childcare professions and if us women want the right to do "mens jobs" then why can't men have the right to do "women's jobs". We can't have our cake and eat it and to discriminate on grounds of gender (just like race, colour, religion etc) is illegal - give the guys a chance, look at how wonderful most of our Dad's are, the fathers of our babies etc!!

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