Male Midwife thought id share

There is a lady on here who in under the care of a male midwife - I think it's quite cool actually and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest!

The chap in the article works at the hospital I am with !!!

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it doesnt bother me either!! i think it would be good so thouught it would be nice to see the midwife story on it all and realise they are just as good and sometimes better than any female mw

you might get to see him then!! you never know :) xxx
I wouldnt be fussed about a male midwife with my first i had to have about 10 people in the room (had complications) and were both male and female and i think i've realised that when your giving birth it isnt the time to be paranoid about whether its a male or female who looks up my floof as long as they know what they are doing i couldnt really care less and take my hat off to any male that chooses to be a midwife as i don't think many men would be willing to do it xx
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Tis me who has a male midwife :) Thanks for the article lyndsey, really interesting seeing his side of things! xx
I had a male midwife for an hour during my labour whilst my mw had her break (it was a long labour lol)....he was Sooo lovely and was telling me all about his wife and kids, I wanted him to stay for the whole thing lol! X

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Tis me who has a male midwife :) Thanks for the article lyndsey, really interesting seeing his side of things! xx

Sorry Claire, I forget your username but you are famous to me for having the male midwife :lol:

I wouldn't have a problem with a male midwife, but I can see there might be potential issues for the midwife. In General Practice, it is common for GPs who perform intimate exams on women to have a chaperone - a female member of staff in the room with them. This is ostensibly done to make the woman feel secure, but really it's to protect the doctor against false allegations.

This is the reason there are very few male nurses in GP surgeries. There are some specialist ones, who run clinics that don't involve intimate procedures, but in general it would not make sense to have a nurse who would need a chaperone for every smear test.

I can't see how a male midwife would be any different, if he is alone with the woman he would be at risk of false allegations, from malicious or mistaken patients.

A sad fact of life...
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i wouldnt have a problem with it i dnt think x
I'm going be in the minority here but I wouldn't want a male midwife and would have to request a female. Even in the throws of labour I would be uncomfortable with it x
see im mixed emotions over this, so id have to be put in the position x
i'd love to have a male midwife just to know what its like have already had a fm mf already so it would be a nice change x x x
It's interesting to see it from the males view, I personally wouldn't mind a male midwife, just as long as baby comes out safe. I do understand where some ladies would feel uncomfortable with this xx
Birth is undignified enough without a man seeing my huge piles and baggy foo foo! It's not just the birth though, it's the anti natal care. I wouldn't feel that I could talk openly with a man about vaginal discharge, or show him my crusty nips, you know what I mean.
it would just be uncomfortable for me and be an extra stress x
i really wouldnt have a problem discussing any of those issues with a male mw!! my GP surgery has 5 male docs and i fm doc who is hard to get an appt with for obvious reasons!!

but i have seen a male doc many times regarding womenly issues and they seem to be more understandin then women docs at times, i do get asked if i would prefer the nurse to take the exmainatins etc, but would have to wait longer so i just agree to the male doc to do these things and he always asks the fem HCA to be present!!

my consultant is male, and it the best in the hospital as everyone wants to see him, i also had a male doc present at my last birth as baby was getting distressed so needed assisted delivery (vontouse) and i wa sthe male who performed it and who stiched me up afterwards me and oh was not fussed as long as my baby arrives in the world in the safest way possibly that is all that counts to me :) xx
Thanks for sharing this hun, it is very interesting to read.
I wouldn't care if it was a male midwife as long as they did their job well and delivered my baby successfully.
I must admit before I was pregnant I was always embarrassed about the thought of people looking at yours bits when you're pregnant or giving birth but people are right when they say you don't really think about it in the process.

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