Make-up on little girls - is it acceptable?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi mums (and dads)!

Just wanted to get your opinion on something. I imagine many of you have seen those Lelli Kelly adverts, where with each purchase you get a little make-up box.

Personally, these adverts make me pretty uncomfortable, and if I had a little girl I would leave it as long as possible before letting her wear make-up. As it happens, I have two boys, so make-up is definitely banned!

I just wondered how you felt about make-up on kids? Do you let your girl(s) wear make-up, or is it banned until they're a certain age? Is there an age after which you think it's OK for girls to wear make-up? What were your experiences when you were a child?

I'm really interested to hear both sides of the argument.


Ben xx
Hi Ben,

My daughters nearly 5 and the only thing she wears which is not very often is lip gloss. She has put make up on herself when she was 2/3 but that was her playing with it herself.
Personally I wouldn't put make up on her until she wants to when older. I started wearing make up when I was 13.
In my opinion, let them stay young for as long as poss. They should be playing with barbie's not make up!
My girls love make up. It's not like they get up and put on a full face of slap for the day, they just put it on (very badly) for a laugh, not to 'look good'. just a bit of harmless fun. like face paints.
My daughter has had a little make up box she plays with since she was 5. She likes painting her nails and putting on eye shadow and lipstick but it is for her to play with in the house. I wouldn't let her go outside with her make up on till she is older.
My son is 2 and as he see's his sister playing with make up.. he likes to have a shot :rotfl: He looks so funny with his pink nails and high heels on

It is definitely just a toy just now
My DD has 'play make up' that she'll put on when dressing up in her princess dresses (and play high heeled shoes) and she had lipgloss on at Christmas but I'd never allow her to go out with make up on on a day to day basis. I haven't seen the lelli kelli adverts but knowing that those shoes are targeted at quite young children does make me feel a little uncomfortable. I won't even buy the Clarks shoes with toys in them so I'd definately not buy the lelli kelli ones!

Forgot to mention that DD is nearly 7 and she's had play make up since she was about 5.
I haven't got to worry about it just yet, but with my job in cosmetics I obviously love make up and when I'm at work I have to wear it, and spend quite a while getting ready in the morning! Little girls copy their mums so I have no doubt that Lizzie will show an interest fairly early on. I will have to make sure I explain it's for grown ups only, but it's gonna be hard not to be hypocritical!
I never actually had 'play' make up while I was growing up, and only started wearing make up when I was 17/18.
If I had a daughter and as part of her dressing up box stuff she had play make-up she could wear it for that, but not outside the house, ever. I think I was 13 when I started wearing lipstick and 14 when I started with everything else, at weekends only. I was never a dedicated make up wearer until I was in my mid twenties and it became a necessity, now I don't leave the house without it on lol
I'm similar to Princess on this one. As part of the 'play' things in the dress up box.

I dislike girls dressing up as mini adults and this includes make up (outside of the house). Let kids be kids :)

I don't have this problems as AJ is a boy :lol: but he likes to pretend to put make up on 'like mammy'. He also loves the Lelli Kelly ad as the tune is catchy :)
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I think if you cover your daughter in fake tan and a load of make-up and glitter and take her to one of them children beauty pageants, that is definitely wrong.

Otherwise, the little make-up sets and what not are totally fine I think. I'm sure every girl wants to be like their mummy! I recall standing there at 5 years old with a bunch of pearl necklaces on, high heel shoes and my mum's make-up all over my face. Not my high-heels at the time by the way! Definitely trying to be like my mummy.
I second what TiffanyJayne has said - playing with it at home or as part of dressing up - totally fine and utterly normal.
Spray tans, highlights and full face of slap ...utterly unforgivable.

They'll grow up soon enough - why rush it?
I dont mind a bit of make up on in the house. my DD is 4 and she loves to sit with me and have nails painted.

But i wouldnt let her go out with a full face of slap on lol I cant stand the pagent girls that look awful with the tan and hair ect.

they are only young for such a short time, there is plenty of time for make up in there teens
Similar to the others, my daughter has bits for dress up.... looks more impressive than a clown when she does it! lol
But NEVER outside, like to a party, or anywhere!
outside, general day to day... minimum 13. I was 15/16 when I started! (tomboy child lol)
I dont know, I want my kids to stay kids where possible. they will believe in santa as long as poss etc
My daughter is nearly 9 and she has had play makeup since the age of 5 again she liked to copy mummy and put it on.

At the age of 7 she joined a musical theater school and they have to wear makeup when in a show on a big stage so she is now very good at putting on eyeliner lipstick and blusher she is not so good with mascara.

I allow her to wear glitter and lip gloss and a bit of eyeshadow (not bold bright colors just enough to make her feel special) if she is going to a party and she loves to have her nails done especially in the holidays.

Other than this she is still a little girl she believes in Santa and will now have to pretend for a few years to come and she believes in fairies and i would never let her wear some of the clothes i see in the shops aimed at girls her age
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my dd is 11 and she has eye shadow lip gloss mascara and a bit of blusher thats the only thing we allow and on a weekend only and even then we do try to deter her from it in school holidays i dont allow her to have it on every day either and if she goes over the top then she is made to wipe it off, i wasnt a big make up wearer when i was a teen and tbh im still not unless im going out only because it drys my skin too much, my dd who is 7 has lip gloss and will be allowed eye shadow for a family party but i get to apply it so its a tiny bit nail varnish is ok in school holidays

for me before they are 16

spray tan is a no go if i can get to the age of 29 never having 1 so can they lol
sunbeds a no go
acrylic nails a no go because it thins out your nail plate id rather have to do french manicures on her lol

my daughters are going to love me prom night haha

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