Make up in labour

I hate how I look without make-up (I get eczema on my face and it goes red, flaky and horrible) and was so sure I would be re-applying it throughout labour but when it came down to it I just didn't care.
Funnily enough, in the photos OH took literally 1min after my baby was born my skin doesn't look that red at all, if anything I look really pale! I guess labour calmed my eczema down somehow?! :confused:
Even the next day when we had visitors and more photos etc I didn't bother to apply any, it just didn't matter to me once my LO had arrived :) xx
Got my grab in a rush make up bag in my hospital bag already.

It only has a few bits in it, 3 in 1 cream to powder foundation, concealer, warm blush, 1 eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara (oh and lip balm but will need that for the entonox) have my in a rush make up routine down to less than 5 mins, so will try to make the effort to slap some on before photos, but tbh, may not bother, depends how i'm feeling.

More concerned about my hair, it goes BIG if left to its own devices, don't want to look like diana ross in the photos!
I think alot of ppl think that when you go into labour your straight into constant pain but it isn't like that in most cases. You have lots of time in between the contractions & there's no reason why anyone wouldn't be able to put on a bit of make up! For example at the very start you could get one contraction lasting a minute then nothing else at all for 45mins. Even after waters break the contractions get more intense & more frequent but not constant (in most cases) - but having some bits in the hospital bag is a good idea, incase of any emergencies.

I remember when I was induced with my 1st (due to baby's heart stopping) I literally had full make up on coz was only planning 2 go into hosp for a check up, I mind thinking at one point- oh no, what if they make me take my make up off looool

I'm not too sure about this either, the only thing I'm really bothered about is I always seem to have dark circles round my eyes - regardless if I'm tired or not or how much sleep I've had - they're always there! Its something that really bugs me so maybe I'll just take some concealer, blush, mascara and eyeliner. Saying that, my OH is a photographer so he can always edit them if I look really crap lol! I think my hair bothers me more than anything, its really fine and tends to mould to any shape, so if I've been sitting with my hand against my hair I'll have a handprint and it looks strange if you know what I mean lol xx
I think alot of ppl think that when you go into labour your straight into constant pain but it isn't like that in most cases. You have lots of time in between the contractions & there's no reason why anyone wouldn't be able to put on a bit of make up! For example at the very start you could get one contraction lasting a minute then nothing else at all for 45mins. Even after waters break the contractions get more intense & more frequent but not constant (in most cases) - but having some bits in the hospital bag is a good idea, incase of any emergencies.

I remember when I was induced with my 1st (due to baby's heart stopping) I literally had full make up on coz was only planning 2 go into hosp for a check up, I mind thinking at one point- oh no, what if they make me take my make up off looool


I was in hospital for 4 days before LO was born, I had to get OH to bring makeup, magazines, nail file etc.. in cos Ive never been more bored in my life. The clock on my ward didnt work, there was no phone signal and the tv was broken. And for 2 days I was the only one in there. No wonder Im a nutjob now!
I think alot of ppl think that when you go into labour your straight into constant pain but it isn't like that in most cases. You have lots of time in between the contractions & there's no reason why anyone wouldn't be able to put on a bit of make up! For example at the very start you could get one contraction lasting a minute then nothing else at all for 45mins. Even after waters break the contractions get more intense & more frequent but not constant (in most cases) - but having some bits in the hospital bag is a good idea, incase of any emergencies.

I remember when I was induced with my 1st (due to baby's heart stopping) I literally had full make up on coz was only planning 2 go into hosp for a check up, I mind thinking at one point- oh no, what if they make me take my make up off looool


I was in hospital for 4 days before LO was born, I had to get OH to bring makeup, magazines, nail file etc.. in cos Ive never been more bored in my life. The clock on my ward didnt work, there was no phone signal and the tv was broken. And for 2 days I was the only one in there. No wonder Im a nutjob now!

That is something i'm dreading the most tbh - sitting about in hospital waiting for the birth. I have no idea what its like to go into labour naturally but I've got quite a good idea of what pain is not bad & what pain is near birth stage, so I am hoping to stay at home untill its unbearable, but at the same time not at the stage when i'm ready to give birth in the car.

I think alot of ppl think that when you go into labour your straight into constant pain but it isn't like that in most cases. You have lots of time in between the contractions & there's no reason why anyone wouldn't be able to put on a bit of make up! For example at the very start you could get one contraction lasting a minute then nothing else at all for 45mins. Even after waters break the contractions get more intense & more frequent but not constant (in most cases) - but having some bits in the hospital bag is a good idea, incase of any emergencies.

I remember when I was induced with my 1st (due to baby's heart stopping) I literally had full make up on coz was only planning 2 go into hosp for a check up, I mind thinking at one point- oh no, what if they make me take my make up off looool


I was in hospital for 4 days before LO was born, I had to get OH to bring makeup, magazines, nail file etc.. in cos Ive never been more bored in my life. The clock on my ward didnt work, there was no phone signal and the tv was broken. And for 2 days I was the only one in there. No wonder Im a nutjob now!

That is something i'm dreading the most tbh - sitting about in hospital waiting for the birth. I have no idea what its like to go into labour naturally but I've got quite a good idea of what pain is not bad & what pain is near birth stage, so I am hoping to stay at home untill its unbearable, but at the same time not at the stage when i'm ready to give birth in the car.


yeah thats a really good plan. I had to stay in hospital cos of my blood pressure and was induced so theres no going back home after that. It was horrible having a long early labour in that environment and only visiting hours to have my OH with me.

If they ever want me in an antenatal ward again theyre gonna have to restrain me to get me in ;)

I wish Id put more stuff in my bag to entertain myself.

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