How important is make up etc? Really?

Since having my little boy I have turned into Worzel Gummidge. Its tracksuit bottoms and baggy tops every day practically. I haven't worn any make up in ages. :(
I admit i wear make up everyday and couldn't live without it, but its all natural colours and a bit of blusher.
If i go on the sunbed all i ever where is lip gloss cuz the sunbed take care of my skin looking good, but in my condition i'm not allowed to use it :( :(

Me and my group of friends were called " the maxfactor girls" at school by everyone.........lmao
never knew what they ment until we left school and realised, we all have to have our make up on.
I hardly wear makeup - a little bit to work but thats about it.

Its not something thats important to me
i never wear make up, well i have make up and some times (not very often) ill have a mess about and put some on. But to be honest i always look like a clown :lol: my sisters a beauty therapist and i think i look daft when shes done it aswell :lol:
I'm with you!

I wear no make-up unless it's a special occasion or a parents' evening (as I'm fed up of parents saying I look about 12 as if I haven't heard it before)... it means I look different for parties etc and always get compliments.

Like you, I always make sure I'm clean and groomed but truly CBA with make-up and I reckon if I started wearing it every day it would quickly become a habit...
I slap it on if Im goin out on the town but the rest of time its just the eyes that get done so I dont look dead lol :lol:
occasionally if I'm feeling particularly exciting I'll shove on a bit of eyeliner

apart from that,I just couldn't be bothered :lol:
awwww :hug: be a proud yummy mummy, nothing wrong with wanting to look all nice.
I used to wear mascara and a bit of eyeliner but havent worn a scrap in months now. I think I look less harsh when i dont wear makeup if I have lots of eye makeup I think I look like a Biatch or a tranny! :D But I absolutly LOOOVE nail varnish! I paint and unpaint my nails about 4 times a day! It drives everyone mad!! I would love to be someone who could always look really preened and taned and all lovely but it just doesnt suit me one bit :(

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