Who's tougher raising? Boys Vs Girls


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2006
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I'm expecting a little girl, who Im sure will be an :angel: but whenever I tell ppl Im due a girl their first reaction is "ohh girls are tougher than boys, good luck" sort of attitude.

Now Im ecstatic over my girl but it got me thinking, it is stereotyped that girls pose more problems bringing up than boys, as they r percieved as more vulnerable and then more challenging in teenage years.

But for those of you mums who have had girls and boys what can you say about this?

Is it true? do u worry more about your girl, and is she harder to raise, or is ur boy more of a worry and as he grew/grows up is he more challenging behaviour wise?
I have voted for girls as although I have only got a boy my mum has got 4 girls and 3 boys and she has always said that boys are sooo much easier. I think it is beacause girls can be quite bitchy and will argue back a lot whereas boys usually arn't as argumentative. I think you also worry more about girls when they go out and stuff. Saying that I am sure I will still worry loads about Jake as I already do.
I've heard this before, my Mum always told me i was a bigger handful than my brother
I have voted girls.
My 2 have always been very content and easy to please. I have lots of friends at baby groups and at Mason's school etc, with girls and boys of all ages, and I would say FOR SURE girls are harder work.
They seem more prone to tantrums, more independants and generally harder work than boys.

Sowwy :oops:
I voted girls, i have two little girls and they are so stroppy and have really bad tempers, my little boy is so loving and herdley has any temper tantrums!!
I think they can be as bad as each other and to be honest most of why they are like they are is down to you, my mum has had 6 children and she said her first ( me ) was a stroppy madame, second girl was easy, chilled ( she was more confident) and then the other sis was stroppy but the one after is fine :) and my brothers are different too, ones really clingy and a right winge and the other is a chilled little man with no worries.

All are different :)
you cannot say either sex is more difficult than the other.
its all down to individualism in my opinion.
I can't say as everyone in my family has had girls so I don't know anything about raising boys. All the girls in my family have been :angel:
ive voted 4 girls as i have got 2 an they can b a nightmare lol although i aint got any boys so im not sure what they are like but my mom has got 4 lads an she said i was the hardest out the lot lol
x sophie x
i think its down to the individual

with my 2 Dior is harder work, she has my personality and is very independant and wants to do things her way and dont want to be told what to do, Harley is like his dad very laid back crys once in a blue moon when he is over tired.

but my little sister was an angel but my brother a handfull.
mum always said that i was spot on as a baby she didnt know i was there she said frazer was hard work as he was a poorly baby but she said that as we grew up i was defineately harder work than my bro, i havent voted as i only have a little soldier no girls yet so no real proof
my mum swears girls are easier, she said me and my sis were angels compared to my 3 boys :rotfl:

but a lot of ppl have told me that girls are harder as they are very strong minded and independant, n my friends lil girls are definatly very challenging :D

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