Luteal phase defect


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Just wondering if anyone has suffered from this? I don't know if I have it but when I have been using opk's its just 10 days (assuming I ovulate the day after my pos opk) and my cycles are usually 35 days. I'd hate to get pg just to have another mc if this is what it is.......................I've seen Angus castus mentioned - does this work to sort out cycles? I've just ovulated/am ovulating I think so could I start taking this next cycle? ta :roll: xxxxx
Yeah, it can help, I might give it a go next cycle too.xx
Apparently 10 days is perfectly normal for a luteal phase :)

9 days or less is referred to as a defect.

Don't forget you can OV as soon as you get your LH surge...

I don't know the extent that Angus Castus can aid your cycles - i had assumed it just reduced and regulated total cycle length.
Thanks........ I dunno how many days it is exactly, it could be 9 or it could be 10.....but I dunno how to find out apart from using opk's but they only predict the surge not actual ovulation... will see what happens this cycle - not holding out much hope - and then might try taking the agnus castus. Can't do any harm can it?! xxx
Can't do any harm can it?! xxx

Ummm, yes actually. It can cause severe harm to the foetus if you do get pregnant, so only take it until you ovulate or for more effect stop ttc and take it full time until your cycles are functioning again :)
Could this be what I have or do you think it is purley due to fact that I have just had the implant removed?
Sorry did not mean to hyjack your thread Sarah :blush:

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