Hey ladies, thank you so much for your constant support, I feel so overwhelmed.
Just a quick summary of my labour (as you know the induction failed)
As soon as the doctor said she could break my waters, I was thrilled. Went down to labour ward at midday and had my waters broke at 2
5pm (this was the Tuesday). I had an epidural straight away as I was so exhausted. 1st attempt, the epidural started to leak so it had to be removed and done again. Things progressed slowly. I was 10cm at 1:30am but the doctor allowed me to wait 2 hours as he was looking up and they wanted him in a better position. I finally started pushing at 3:30am and he was born at 4:20am. Midwife did have to cut me. I didn't actual ask how many stitches I have. I can't believe I did it, I pushed him out! He has tons and tons of thick hair. He weighs 7lb exactly. Can't remember how long he is.
Had a bit of a problematic day today! Breast feeding isn't happening for me, I'm disappointed, I'm not even managing to express anything. Regardless, he will latch but just fall asleep automatically. Tried him on a bottle and he kept vomiting. The midwives took him away from us and to neonatal at 4pm. About an hour ago his bloods came back which are completely normal. They still want him there overnight so I'm a bit emotional and I'm really missing him. Hopefully he'll be back with us on the antenatal ward in the morning.
Thank you again for all your support and love.
Will stick a picture up tomorrow I'm falling asleep writing this xxxx