UPDATE FROM CASSI !! ** !!!!! He's Here !!!!**

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Not been on for a couple of days and what an announcement to miss!! Well done Cassi and welcome to your new little son. Can't wait to hear all about it and to see some piccies.
Flippin heck, totally mised all this!
:cheer: :cheer: Congratulations to you both :cheer: :cheer:
Happy Birthday baby Jakob :cheer: :cheer:

Take it easy, rest loads and enjoy little bundle :wave:

Bev x x
Congats Cassi and Alan on the birth of Jacob love me Seren and of course Peggy :wink:
Is Cassi coming home today?

:wave: to Jakob BTW, welcome little man x
Hi, thanks again for all the nice comments, am home now, really sore, got to sit in water to go for a pee or go in the shower :oops: !

Jakob is great, sleeping all day awake all night lol! Am just uploading pics to comp so will put some up in pics section and will post birth story later too.

Cant beileve its my due date today and he is already here! Its so weird ... Alan is so happy too, when he popped out we both burst into tears...he was nearly in tears when i was in pain tho bless him he said he was terrified seeing me like that ... couldnt of done it without him.

Am going to have a mooch to see if anyone else has popped yet.

love cas, alan and jakob :D
Well done Cassi, you brave, brave girl.

Sorry to hear you are really sore hun, but at least you got away without any stitches :)

Good old Jakob keeping mum and dad up all night!

Cant wait to see the pics you take care, all 3 of you.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Welcome home you guys!! :hug: :cheer:

The peeing thing sounds horrid, hope it gets better soon

Cant wait to see piccies xxxx
congratulations Cassi its wonderful news. well don you. :cheer: :cheer:
Congratulations cassi and alan!
Welcome to the world little Jakob :hug: :wave:
Hiya sorry got caught up earlier but now have a few mins while Jakob and Alan are upstairs watching tv lol!

so am on photobucket now uploading pics and will put them in first year pics section :D

We are so happy, and i have managed bowel movement !!! sorry if tmi but i never thought id be so happy to poop cause i was so scared about it :rotfl:

Cas xx
cassi said:
Hiya sorry got caught up earlier but now have a few mins while Jakob and Alan are upstairs watching tv lol!

so am on photobucket now uploading pics and will put them in first year pics section :D

We are so happy, and i have managed bowel movement !!! sorry if tmi but i never thought id be so happy to poop cause i was so scared about it :rotfl:

Cas xx
Aww hun i remember what that was like!!! Running into my OH, ''ive done one!!'' :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: The look on his face was surely a kodak moment!!
Congratulations on your poop!!
it was porridge that did it!!! it came all by itself i didnt even need to push :dance:

I thank Alan for promising me porridge would work :D
Lol, men seem to know most about pooping..wonder why?? :think: :lol:
Why DO they sit in there for half an hour at least??? Ive always wondered that!!

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