Low sperm count - so gutted. Advice needed!!!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2011
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Hi All,

OH and I just found out that he has a sperm count of 1.5million.

My docs secretary said that it was 'on the low side' but I Googled it and it seems REALLY low!!! :-(
They are refering us to the fertility clinic and because i have issues too (I have regular periods but don't ovulate every month... We think it's stress), I have to have a HyCoSy test.

I don't know much about any of this - Please help!!

A very sad and confused Emma
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I cant offer any help, but didnt want to read and run.

My OH has been asked to do a spem test but he's petrified and has put it off 2 months so far :( . Try not to worry, there was a lady on here, her fella had low sperm count, she tried a few different pills and boom, big swimmers xxxxx
Thank you so much Chazabell. So, so grateful for the encouragement.

My hubby heard the word 'million' and thinks "ah, its not that bad. Plenty there really....." I am trying to explain otherwise, but its not really sinking in.

Speaking to you guys on here helps me to get my head around it. Feel better already!!!

Hiya Emma :)

I can only assume people play it down because they don't really know what they are talking about... 1.5 million is low :shock:

Let me put it this way - my hubby had 2 million at his worst and we need to have ICSI. My hubby does have low morphology and motility and too i guess, but i think you'd be looking at IVF at the least.

He will have to have repeat tests though so maybe it will get higher rather than lower :)

As for your own issues, the fact you have a regular period is really promising. If you need treatment because of hubby, all you really need to do on your own is carry it and with a regular period i don't see why that would be a problem.

How did they discover that you wasn't ovulating?

Try not to be down about it. You still have a lot of diagnostics ahead of you and it might turn out better than it seems right now :hug:
Thanks LouiseB,

I am diabetic so have to attend pre conception clinics and have been for 2years. I started doing ov tests a year ago and never got a positve result. I told my Dr and fair play, they referred me immediately.
Following a few cd21 tests, it revealed that I only ovulated during leave from work......... I had a really stressful job. So, I quit!!!
5 weeks on, I am in a new job, been doing ov tests for last 3 days and Lo & Behold, I am ovulating!!! Woooop!
Just goes to prove how much stress can affect your fertility!!

As for my hubby, I feel sick for him. I don't know where to go from here.

I don't even know how long we will need to wait to get IVF, if that is the option for us!!! Any idea???

hi hun just seen your post sorry to hear about you oh and your probs i cant give advice on his problem
but can on yours with regards to ov fingers crossed for you though and i really hope you get
you bfp soon xxxx
Thanks for your support vickib_1984

I just feel like giving up at the moment but only found out today so I am sure I will feel better soon.

How are you getting on?

Hi hun, there could be a number of reasons your OH has a low count and there are things that can be done to help him. Being referred to the fertility consultants is the best thing for you. Stay strong and positive, don't give up yet.

Take care
Thanks hun. All these posts are really helping
bless you i have pcos so struggle with weight ov and cramps all the time ive managed to lose nearly
2 stone and quit smoking my progesterone level in jan was 2-3 in april it was 16 and last month up to
34 so ive done something right i think lol im in my fertile phase at the mo so dtd most nights lmao
i do have a 7 year old son who i had at 18 and never thought i had any probs until last year when we realised
we had been trying for 5 years and realised nothing was happening....at first we thought it was because oh
worked over seas alot and was missing the right days but as it turns out it was me all along lol........oh had
semen analysis in march and we were both worried as he has type 1 diabeties as well as other health problems
i know its hard and can seem very trying at times i even got mad with my cat when she fell pregnant lol!!!!

sorry to ramble and hijack your post:shock::shock:naughty me lol xxxx
Its good to hear other people's stories, so please feel free to hijack any posts of mine! Haha.

It sounds as though you and your oh are doing something right so well done hun. I bet you get a bfp soon!!!

I need to loose weight too. That doesn't flippin help matters!! I am Type 1 Diabetic and really struggle to loose weight. I always seem to be ill too. Although, I am in perfect control of the condition now. Well, nearly - Got a 7.2% Hba1c

I am diabetic so have to attend pre conception clinics and have been for 2years. I started doing ov tests a year ago and never got a positve result.

Following a few cd21 tests, it revealed that I only ovulated during leave from work......... I had a really stressful job. So, I quit!!!

As for my hubby, I feel sick for him. I don't know where to go from here.

I don't even know how long we will need to wait to get IVF, if that is the option for us!!! Any idea???


Is the preconception clinic specifically for girls? My hubby has Type1 and he hasn't been to one as far as i know :eh:

Oh so you are ovulating now? That's even better :) Well done for quitting your job - what was it?

Go easy on your hubby. I see my husband as having an illness, you can't be angry at someone that is the victim of something that is out of their control. You need to explain this to him and hopefully it will help him to realise that he is the victim just as much or even more than what you are :)

I found that my husband was more paranoid about me thinking badly of him, than upset that his spermies were duff lol

Whether or not you can have IVF depends on where you live, if either of you has children alread and your weight.

I assume you are 26, so your age is fine, but you need a BMI below 30 for you to be funded.

If you are entitled it can take anywhere from 6 months to a year from the stage to are at now to get to the point of starting treatment - don't delay though, i get the feeling IVF isn't going to be funded at all for much longer.
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Its good to hear other people's stories, so please feel free to hijack any posts of mine! Haha.

It sounds as though you and your oh are doing something right so well done hun. I bet you get a bfp soon!!!

I need to loose weight too. That doesn't flippin help matters!! I am Type 1 Diabetic and really struggle to loose weight. I always seem to be ill too. Although, I am in perfect control of the condition now. Well, nearly - Got a 7.2% Hba1c


i hope i get my bfp soon as well if i get it this year the boy will be 8 my husband
had his hba1c done a few months ago and it was 7% i think so all is good his fear was that his diabeties would be the problem my bmi was 34 and its now 30.7 lol im nearly there but still have to keep losing weight though and will be on a diet all the way through the pregnancy as when i had my son i was really poorly with my kidneys and develpoed gestational diabeties so will have to watch it all the time

louiseb i heard on the news yesterday there was a big flap about ivf and women not getting the chance at all and not being given full amounts of ivf as well xxxx
Hi Hun,

Sorry for your news, I may be wrong but I don't think you get funding for IVF if you already have a child, I hope that's different for your situation.

Thanks Girls!!


The preconception clinic is just for women as far as I know but get your hubby to ask his consultant about it...
I know what you mean re going easy on hubby. I feel so gutted for him but I love him so much and we will get through it together.
We haven'y any children so should get IVF as long as I loose some weight etc.... Mind you, I am 30yrs old not 26. EmmaRees26 is just part of my e-mail address.

Re my job, I was a senior Mgr in local government. It was a nightmare. I am still managing a project and a team in my new role but much less stressed now!!


My BMI is probably quite high. I am a size 18 and although I am tall, am quite heavy. Especially cos insulin turns fat to bloody muscle. I am big but have the hardest ass in the country...!! Haha. Just started swimming though and a diet so fx I start loosing the weight!!!

Maybe baby,

Do you know how much it would cost to get IVF done privately?? You are right about not being eligible if you already have a child as my cousin and her new partner were turned down as she has a child from a previous relationship. Although we don't have any children, I am starting to think that it may be quicker etc to go private??!!

Em x
no if you have children already your not eligable although in my area if both of you have health conditions
you are considered, i was a size 18 before my diet and only 5 foot 3 and a half(dont forget the half!!!!!!!!lol)
and now too thin for a size 16 but not small enough for a 14 lol grrrrrrrrrrrr xxxxx
Hi Emma

Ok so he maybe a little on the low side but hey, it only takes one!!!

It's good that you know the possible obsticles in your way because all you have described above can be treated and success, will yours!

I have you in my BFP thoughts!! xx
I think a kinda normal sperm count is about 20million per ml of sperm, so if his is only 2milllion per ml, that is indeed quite low. But you only need one! Maybe you need to gt some vitamins like zinc, that is supposed to improve sperm, but I'm not sure if it would improve numbers or not?
Thanks to all you lovely ladies!!!! I really think I would have lost the plot without hearing all of your encouraging advice & support!!!!

You are all in my baby thoughts. BFP's here we all come!!!

Thanks to all you lovely ladies!!!! I really think I would have lost the plot without hearing all of your encouraging advice & support!!!!

You are all in my baby thoughts. BFP's here we all come!!!


YAY :babydust: :babydust: :babydust: xxxxxx

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