Low HCG Level


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hey Girlies,

(By my calculations i am supposed to be nearly 6 weeks pregnant, but i am going by a 28 cycle not 32 day cycle, and my cycle is 32 usually.. SILLY ME! did not think it would make a difference lol.... Being 32 day cycle of period makes me 5 weeks pregnant not 6..)

Went into hospital today after bleeding heavy for a whole day and spotting for four and had my internal scan to see if my little baba was ok, the scan did not show up anything not even a sac :wall2:.
She said that my level had to be 1,000 or more before they could see anything on the screen.

They took my HCG bloods and i have just phoned them back, she told me that my level is 113 and said it was quite low, but she wants to re check my level on Thursday to see if it is doubling or fading away obv meaning i have miscarriaged if it has faded.. :shakehead:
But like i said in my post before i have been still taking pregnancy tests because i thought i lost the little on last thursday and my lines have been getting as dark as the control line.. (Will post pic so you can see the difference in lines..) So i am kinda confused into why the tests would show that i am MORE pregnant.. hmmm....

Also i had a miscarriage in May and this time i only lost a day of clots with little to no pain, and the bleeding went from bright red to pink then to brown and stopped all in a matter of 4 days.. Nothing like last time when i was bed ridden and losing so much blood.

Is 113 a normal number at this time in pregnancy (5 weeks)?
And have any of you ladies had low HCG levels and gone on to have healthy babies?

I'm at wits end with this waiting game, i just want little baba to hang in there and for my level to double in 48 hours :)



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I'm not sure about hormone levels but wanted to wish you the best of luck!! x x
Sorry I can't help,unfortunately the numbers from 1 blood test don't mean much till u have a second result,fx 4 u xxx
havent a clue... but i hope baba is hanging in there mrs... and i hope ur hcg levels double... :hugs: xx
Hun ppls levels vary what's important is that they are doubloing good luck I am thinking of you because I know what that wait is like
I agree with what the other girls have said as one result is not enough to know what going on. I thought I was 6 weeks + 3 days when I started bleeding but my levels were only at 68 - obviously there was nothing visable on my scan either. The hospital tol me that I could be earlier than I thought so that could be the case. Unfortunately I did miscarry but the docs were optimistic up until the result of the second test, so fingers crossed it is certainly possible that all is well xxx
hey i had the same thing this pregnancy :)
My levels at 5weeks+5 days were 254 i think and they said that was low, but then 2 days later they were 6 hundred and something. Iv just had my 12 week scan and everything is fine.
As long as there doubling its fine :)
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