Low birth weight baby


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2012
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Hi, apparantly im classed as high risk and will need to be consultant led with extra scans because my first child was low birth weight, the weird thing is when my son was born noone said anything about his birth weight being a problem, he wasnt in special care or have to have any other tests.. I knew he was small but Seems abit extreme classing me as high risk.. Not that i mind if i get extra scans to see my bubba x
How odd that they didn't say anything. How small was he? My midwife has told me that she expects to send me for growth scans as I had like a million with my second baby and I'm small - Not sure how the logic behind the thinking works though. She was born at 7lb 12.5oz so was normal size, my fundal height was the bit that never matched up as she kept folding herself up!

Does your high risk classing mean that you'll have to give birth in a hospital rather than birthing centre or home?
He was 5lb5oz ,I on the other hand had put 4 stone on all bump, bit on bum n boobs and was told to expect a 9-10lb baby lol... yeah they sed had to be hospital not sure what a birthing centre is if im honest.. X
So much for following the rules lol!

It's a midwife led unit, no Doctors and not complicated deliveries, where the birthing pools and jungle gyms are!
Oo very nice, i never thought id want a birthing pool but slightly getting tempted to looking into it lol x
I have his too babe my LO was 5lb 10 so Im consultant led - noone mentioned her weight was low at birth - seh wasnt in scbu or anything! weird x
It is weird ud think for them to be low birth weight itd be some sort of problem ... Im Guessing uv had some consultant appointments by now, what do they do? X
No they apparently start with me from 24 weeks and so I have no idea! I have tbh kicked off about being consultant led as I dont want it to interfere with my birth plans! i will let u know as soon as I have had one! x
My son was 4lb 10oz and we had no idea til he came out that he was small.
I have been told by the midwife i will have extra scans.
I was told it was due to IUGR and little one was taken to ICU but only for 3 days.
I think its just to be safe. i have been told they think my son stopped growing at 7 months and if it had been diognosed i would have been enduced early. hoping this one is bigger as i would hate that.
hi girls, just seen this thread, our situations are different but my son counted as low birth weight and he was 5lb 12oz, i thought this was an ok weight but the postmortem results told me otherwise. he was a low birth weight due to the placenta, i think the reason they start giving you extra scans at 24 weeks is to monitor growth and at that stage they are able to check the blood flow to the placenta to make sure the placenta is doing its job properly and baby is getting all it needs (thats what iv been told), im really greatful getting these extra scans and being consultant led as it can save babies life if they find a problem, better to be safe then sorry i wish they had given me this care last time xx
Totally agree with Claire. Not sure why most people seem to be angry or upset being consultant led.
Surely getting the most qualified person possible in your care pre birth is the better option.
I believe midwives have their place but so do the Drs.
My friends baby died at 37 weeks inter uterine and this was because stuff was missed by a midwife primarily.
Not saying drs are invincible as I know they now definitely aren't
But being consultant led mans you will be watched more and possibly scanned more.
I've been consultant led for both my successful pregnancies and I did kick up a stink about not having a water birth
But in the end I was a planned section for my first (placenta previa, transverse lie and pre eclampsia) so was definitely not reaching this baby out with happy thoughts :) and then again with 2 nd though slightly less complications with her.
I'm sure if your pregnancy progresses well you will be able to argue your case.
My little girl was 5lbs 15oz n they classed her as small. She had a bit of a temp when she was born but the consultant wasn't too concerned with her weight because she was still growing at this point
Hello thought I would update this thread - I have just been told by my mw that i should expect to see consultant 4 weekly (unless anything shows wrong) from 28 weeks on to check growth of my LO!! xx
I dont mind being consultant led ( well didnt until a big faf about appointments lol) but apparantly my son wasnt low birth weight even tho another sed he was so dunno wot wil happen there x

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