Told no chance of birth I want - unimpressed


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2008
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On my last visit to the mw, I asked about giving birth at the midwife led unit and also having a water birth and was told no chance for either! :evil:

Blooming charming, I was told that as I'm on shared care I have to have a hospital birth and the only option for anything like a water birth is to stay at home as long as possible and have a bath at home!

I'm really cheesed off as I dont really see why I'm on this shared care anyway, my BP has been fine throughout, no sickness and my weight gain has not been excessive, baby has been fine on all scans etc, no diabetes, the only thing I can think of is that I'd had Bell's Palsy about 8 years ago and apparantly pregnancy can have an effect on this, though I'm 95% better anyway and have been for 7 years!

I'm just miffed that everthing I've asked for has been a flat no.

I just seem to be at the hospital or the docs every five mins for various tests, scans, consultant appointments etc, costing a fortune in parking charges!

Sorry to whinge :?
sorry your being told no to having a water birth i dont understand it either if everything has checked out as healthy then i cant see the problem with you being at the midwife unit

i dont know how to help you with answering this question you just have to flat out ask can you outline to me in black and white why you our saying no and why i am on shared care

sorry dont mean to sound dumb (but i am :lol: ) what dose shared care mean :oops: i feel i should know this

And as for the tooing and frowing to hosptial mid wife doctors appointments extra i think there our a few girls on here who would be able to sypmathise

big hugs from me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Shared care is where the midwife and the consultant at the hospital look after me rather than just the midwife.
Thats really annoying, I agree with Geordie Lass, I would ask them to explain more thoroughly why you cant go to the birth centre.

I was hoping to go to my local birth centre too but I cant either as im shared care for GBS so I understand how upsetting it can be to be denied the birth you hoped for. :hug: :hug:
I am under shared care, as my BMI is higher than the acceptable.

I have a feeling that would be by now anyway after how many bleeds I have had!

I can totally sympathise with the back and forth. I do not drive, but spend a fortune in travel expenses. And when my OH takes me, costs him loads in parking.

I would do like the other girls have said and ask for it in black and white. You have a right to know why you cant have the birth you want. Then you should have the option to weigh up if what they feel the risks are, are infact reasonable to you.
Hugs to you.....hope you work something out.

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