Lots of water...


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Yesterday one of the midwives was feeling my tum and she commented on me having loads of water. I think its made it difficult for them to find what position the baby is in.

Has anyone else been told they have loads of water lol?? Im not sure what difference this makes if any? I have visions of a tidal wave when my waters break!!! :shock:

I have, thats why I'm measuring so much bigger than my dates. I have scans every 2 weeks with my consultant to check the levels.
My consultant told me there is a greater risk of preterm labour with higher fluid volume so I've been on the lookout for signs of labour since 25 weeks.
My MW also finds is hard to see which way he is lying and she also told me that women with more water sometimes don't feel their babies as much as women with normal volumes.
i haven't been told this but have heard a few people say they have been.

pmsl at tidal wave. xxx
Cherelle - the excess waters thing could be what's made you stop feeling him so much. There's one possible answer!

Not had this water issue myself, but friends of mine have - they were fine, if that's any reassurance xxx
Oh and regarding the tidal wave... OH reckons I'm going to deflate when my waters go!!!
I cant comment on the water thing...

But cherelle! WTF has your pregnancy gone?! I remember you getting your bfp :shock:
Thanks girls

Lol Melio i know - im on the home stretch now!!

Purple Hippy - Yeh i did think maybe i wasnt feeling him much because of all the water but ive felt him loads up to a couple of days ago, even to the point where its hurt because he wont keep still!

I have no idea about the water, but I was told with first I didnt have a lot of water and was all baby and my waters were still like a tidal wave, i hated them they just kept coming and coming everytime i moved or stood up!! Would hate to feel what a lot of water is like.
I have no idea about the water, but I was told with first I didnt have a lot of water and was all baby and my waters were still like a tidal wave, i hated them they just kept coming and coming everytime i moved or stood up!! Would hate to feel what a lot of water is like.

oh dear! Im actually excited for my waters to break though - ive always been a bit of a drama queen at times :) lol
No idea about the extra water either hun. Maybe your waters will flood the room :lol: Did the midwife seem concerned?

Did the midwife manage to find his position? My LO is still back to back. Is yours still back to back? xx
ive not got visions of you having a water birth in your amniotic fluids lol
My waters were described as bulging when I was examined at 5cm but they were eventually broken at 8cm and I remember seeing the doctor step back with the force of them - they went everywhere and she said it was the messiest births she had done in a long time! Guess I had a lot of waters! Makes me laugh when I think back to the little mattress protector that I thought would protect my mattress if they went in bed - err no! xx
Did the midwife manage to find his position? My LO is still back to back. Is yours still back to back? xx

yep she did in the end, he isnt back to back anymore - i think they move around a lot at this stage, im sure your little one will turn! x
ive not got visions of you having a water birth in your amniotic fluids lol

Lol!!!! Midnight you crack me up!

Pinky - nah she didnt really seem concerned, im not worried i just wondered if it made any difference really.

Well not worried for me.... a little worried for my cream carpets!! x
If they were concerned they would have sent you for a scan, which is the only way to really measure - her saying you have a lot could mean anything really. Mine have dropped low apparently so I have weekly scans to accurately measure how much is there and they plot the amount on a scale thing of normal. Sure if she thought it was abnormally high she would have referred you for a scan. Poor carpets though :lol:
Hey, some people carry tons more water then others; apparantly my mum was like a water bomb with her births... I am not carrying so much fluid I don't think, but I guess the water is a protection for babe..

Think oh how much weight you will lose in water when baby comes, lubky you..


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