I'm silly!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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I went for a bath earlier and when I was done I was too hot so went for a lie down in bedroom infront of fan. After a few mins I moved onto my back to adjust towel and what felt like loads of fluid gushed out of me :shock: I ran to loo and wiped but it was just water I think :oops: I went back in bedroom and inspected towel and there was a small amount of fluid in a beige kind of colour so I phoned midwife. She told me to lie down for half hour then phone back if I leaked anymore. I didnt leak anything else so must not have been waters breaking :roll: I was lying in funny positions in bath so I'm guessing that some water must have went up and just came back down again after bath :shock: I feel a bit stupid now :oops:
oh lol..you never know it could have been your waters, put a pad on just to keep an eye on it hun.x
Yeah have put pad on just incase :roll: Only problem is, I just dont know what waters are supposed to look like :?
You will continue to leak if it's your waters :hug: They can smell either sweet or like sperm, after ejaculation obviously hehe Hope you're well and comfy, always ring MW or hospital if you're concerned :hug:
Nothing else came of it so will just have to try be patient :roll:
I'm exactly the same every little thing I think is the start of labour!
I don't know why I am being so impatient because I have been waiting for almost 9 months for the baby and now I have 6 days :o
trust me hun.......you will definateley know if your waters have broken.
I have never had my waters break on me until i am pushing in labour and even then i was in a birthing pool so didn't notice the water :D but felt the gush.... maybe i will find out this time!! :shock:

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