Lots of symptoms but BFN - am I pregnant?


Dec 26, 2016
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Hello everyone!

I've joined this forum because my husband and I are going out of our minds trying to work out if I am pregnant or not and we'd like some advice/to hear from others who have experienced a similar situation.

I'll give you all the details. We've been actively TTC for around 6 months now. For the first two months we just sort of winged it and then we started using ovulation tests for three months. I never ever got a positive on the ovulation tests and one month we tested pretty much every day from when my AF finished to when it came again. Nothing. I did get a sharp twinge on alternating sides each month which I assumed was the egg being released. For the last month, we gave up on the ovulation tests.

I had my last AF from 5-12 November and I'm currently on CD 52 - no AF. My cycle is usually around 35 days so now I am very late. I have only ever missed one AF and that was when I came off the pill around 8 years ago. I haven't been particularly stressed.

I am very overweight (23st) but otherwise pretty healthy. I seem to be having a lot of pregnancy symptoms but still getting BFNs each time I test. I've tried all types of tests. Some times there has been a barely there positive line which we've only noticed once we've taken the test stick apart (hubby's very curious and does this as soon as the time is up!). I also tried an ovulation test strip yesterday and today and got a negative but with two lines (previously only the control line ever showed).

Here are the symptoms I've experienced so far:

Lower back ache (last week)
Bad skin
Areola are bigger and veins showing
Vivid dreams
Flu like symptoms (congestion, sinus headaches)
Strong hunger through the day
Eating loads but not gaining weight like usual
Weeing more
Intense mood swings (last week)
I've kind of gone off savoury food
Increase in cervical mucus (clear/egg white)

I spoke to the doctor and they said to just keep waiting. I don't want to allow myself to believe I am pregnant in case I'm not. If I am, this would be our first baby. Any thoughts/advice? X
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If your last AF was that long ago I think it really should be showing on a test by now.

There are a number of other reasons that can delay periods, not just stress.
Maybe go back to the doctor and request to see a different one if you're still worried?
Can't you just ask your gp for a bloodtest to see if you're pregnant? The blood tests are pretty conclusive. Maybe ask them to check for other abnormalities in your blood, like sugar, toxoplasmosis, rubella. They have to check it anyway when you get pregnant. Good luck!:)
Spoke to the doctor again today and they've never heard of doing a pregnancy blood test? They then said if urine tests are showing negative, so would a blood test. I'm really confused! :eh:

They said to wait two more weeks and if my next period doesn't come, go and see them.
Sometimes if your pregnancy is further along urine tests go negative, it's called the hook effect caused by too much hcg, apparently it clumps together and cant hook on the test. I would water down your urine 50% with water then retest. x
Thanks Lillith - I will try that next time.

I just did a Clearblue and hubby is convinced he can see a line. I'm not so sure...


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Here's a clearer pic (I think!). It looks like a shadow to me!


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I can see something on that test but I'm never sure about the blue dye ones. Have you tried a first response? It is possible that you didn't ovulate when you would normally and your body has tried again later, hence the longer cycle and no positive test so far as you could still only be early on.
Thanks Snowbee. I'm just not sure either.

I have tried First Response previously and nothing. Will wait a few days and try again x
Sorry you're stuck in limbo! Have you got any pcos symptoms? That could delay a period, not saying that's what is wrong but often women don't find out they have it until they start ttc x

The mucus sounds like you're going to ovulate soon instead of having already done so could be you missed one and that's why you've not got a period and are going to ovulate or recently have done. Ovulation tests are crap knowing your body is much more reliable than those crappy tests as the line has to be darker than the test line and mine honestly never has and my son is a three and a half now so I did ovulate at some point and caught lol! My friend whose on the pill who was late and ended up getting a normal period did one of them clear blues too and I've found a line on that. Then when she got a pink one she didn't get any and ended up with her period so I'd advice anyone not to waste any money on them! Have some good baby making loving incase you're about to ovulate still and get catching! Test again in two weeks time. I had a pill free month the other month and had loads of ovulation symptoms, literally felt like a chicken sitting on a massive egg which all disappeared when I actually had ovulated, I didn't catch as I purposely tried to avoid that happening after ovulation it's normal to get a rise in oestrogen and experience symptoms from that too despite catching or not as it's preparing for a pregnancy when it has. Good luck sending you any dust x

Thank you ladies.

More negative tests and I'm starting to think I'm not pregnant at all. AF is due again next week so I guess time will tell! X
So, AF is due today and I have had some spotting (brown) for the past few days but no other symptoms.

Took two Sainsbury's pregnancy tests yesterday and got a cross but the vertical line was very thin and off-centre on both. I've been reading up about these tests and they seem to be unreliable. Did a Clearblue and it was negative. Could be early days if I missed a period and then ovulated this cycle and caught I suppose but I'm not going to get my hopes up!
I'm not sure if anybody is reading this now but I thought I would keep it updated in case somebody has similar issues and wants to know how it ended. I phoned the doctor again today because I've had some dark brown spotting for the past couple of days but no period. I'm now two months late. The doctor finally referred me for a blood test. I'll be going this afternoon so will let you know what the result is!
Thanks for the update! Yes let us know the results of the test please. :)
Got my test results back. Everything was 'pretty unremarkable' (doctor's words) but I have a slightly high testosterone level so he's referred me for an ultrasound to check for PCOS. I asked if there was any chance I could be pregnant and he said no. I'm completely gutted as this all just seems so out of the blue - I've felt generally unwell for about 6 weeks now and that's not like me. And I've never had trouble with my periods before apart from having a long cycle. I don't understand how PCOS can come on just like that?

I'm hoping the results are wrong and an ultrasound will show I'm pregnant but I know I'm clutching at straws. So upset right now :-(

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