Lots of symptoms but BFN - am I pregnant?

Got my test results back. Everything was 'pretty unremarkable' (doctor's words) but I have a slightly high testosterone level so he's referred me for an ultrasound to check for PCOS. I asked if there was any chance I could be pregnant and he said no. I'm completely gutted as this all just seems so out of the blue - I've felt generally unwell for about 6 weeks now and that's not like me. And I've never had trouble with my periods before apart from having a long cycle. I don't understand how PCOS can come on just like that?

I'm hoping the results are wrong and an ultrasound will show I'm pregnant but I know I'm clutching at straws. So upset right now :-(

It is horrible when its something you want so much. I have harassed the docs for TV scan and US and blood tests for various period problems so know how frustrating it is with the docs. I hope its not that, I was tested but they said from my bloods I dont have PCOS.

Good luck with it all, pretty unremarkable isnt as bad as it sounds, i work in a GP surgery and if there was something 'remarkable' thats when they find something bad so at least there isnt something horrible jumping out at them. Still not a nice phrase to hear though
Thanks guys x

I'm trying to look on the positive side - the tests checked for diabetes and all sorts so I must be pretty healthy! X
I was on the pill for 4 years then came off it in 2012,
I didn't get a period and found out I had PCOS,
So I had no idea I had it until stopping contraception.
Symptoms can just appear, most women don't know they have it at all,
Try not to worry, the anxiety and stress will be making you feel crappy :-)
I was on the pill for 4 years then came off it in 2012,
I didn't get a period and found out I had PCOS,
So I had no idea I had it until stopping contraception.
Symptoms can just appear, most women don't know they have it at all,
Try not to worry, the anxiety and stress will be making you feel crappy :-)

Thank you x

I know it's probably not wise but I keep thinking about all the things that don't add up. I keep getting up to pee in the night which is not like me. I am getting dizzy spells. I'm off my food (definitely not like me as I'm a big girl). I am never ill but this cold/flu like thing has been hanging around for weeks. Why was the spotting I had for a couple of days brown (old blood)? So many questions - I suppose the scan will answer them all x
I was on the pill for 4 years then came off it in 2012,
I didn't get a period and found out I had PCOS,
So I had no idea I had it until stopping contraception.
Symptoms can just appear, most women don't know they have it at all,
Try not to worry, the anxiety and stress will be making you feel crappy :-)

Thank you x

I know it's probably not wise but I keep thinking about all the things that don't add up. I keep getting up to pee in the night which is not like me. I am getting dizzy spells. I'm off my food (definitely not like me as I'm a big girl). I am never ill but this cold/flu like thing has been hanging around for weeks. Why was the spotting I had for a couple of days brown (old blood)? So many questions - I suppose the scan will answer them all x

Good luck! There's still a chance you might be. :) That's how I knew something was going on with me, because I'm NEVER sick, I rarely even get a cold, I haven't had a cold since being pregnant or for a while before that. I don't take need or take any kind of prescription medicine. I never get headaches. From the age of 13 on, my periods were always like clockwork. If I got lost on an island with no calender I could tell the months by my periods LOL. I was always very energetic, full of energy. So as soon as I started feeling achy and like I was coming down with something but it lasted for weeks, and when I got headaches and had zero energy, I knew something was going on. And all of those symptoms started AFTER I dtd with other half.
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Thanks Papermoon - not long left for you now! You must be so excited x

I'm not going to give up hope just yet. But if I'm not, then I will be soon - we just have to keep trying. I'm going to start trying to lose some weight because if I have got PCOS, that should help. Will just keep my mind focussed on that!
Thanks Cleo yes I'm very excited! :) Almost there!
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Just to keep you all updated, I'm still waiting for a scan. Still no period (CD 75 today). Had some brown spotting again the last couple of days so thought it was on it's way, but no.
Omg, your symptoms sre identical to mind. Vivid dreams are unusual for me.. and ive found myself crying at silly things.
Sadly ive had a blood clot today and cramps.. so im really worried its not going to be a happy ensing for me x
13th of Feb?! That's a long wait!! 3 weeks from now! Horrible to be in limbo for that long! Stay strong Cleo!:hug::hug:
Thanks guys. I've had a very light period this week finally but also stomach pains for about three weeks now (not in the right place for ectopic and I've been checked for all sorts of things). I think it's an IBS flare up - I've suspected I've had IBS for a while. Scan is a week on Monday. Still ages away...

CharleyBea - any news for you, hun? X
Well, I had my scan today and the ultrasound technician said my ovaries look normal. At least I finally have some answers! I'm going to put it down to a blip caused by stress and weight gain! Now to get back to TTC! X
Great news that your ovaries are looking normal. Stress can do funny things to our bodies, hope you get your bfp soon :)

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