Lots of problems, not sure where to post?


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Oct 14, 2012
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Hi everyone...My name is Raven and I've never taken part in a forum before. I don't know all of the abbreviations (TTC etc) so please treat me like I'm "not too smart" when replying, haha! If I give out too much information then I apologize ahead of time!

I am 36 and have 1 son, who is almost 18. I've been trying to have anther baby since he was 2. Finally after countless miscarriages and an ectopic, I'm pregnant again. I am scared and worried and have been scouring the internet for help when I finally decided to try a forum.

This pregnancy has been really different from the start. I had nipple pain in August and was worried because I had piercings there but I also knew they weren't infected. My last cycle was August 9th. I took a pregnancy test Aug 31 and it was negative, so the next day I got drunk (it was my fiance's birthday). The thing is, I got really sick and nearly vomited. I felt like I had finished an entire bottle of straight vodka but I had only finished the neck part! I was very ill afterwards. I still felt like something wasn't right, so on Sept. 13 I asked for another test. This time, as soon as I dipped the stick, two lines came blaring out at me. I was so so so happy! I couldn't believe it! But then worry set in. Judging by my dates I should have been about 5 weeks along. My gp was very worried about me because I'm such high risk, plus I am 36, plus I am diabetic and on insulin. He sent me in for an emergency scan.

The lady was extremely rude. She lifted my dress and didn't let me cover my nakedness. She said she saw no evidence of a pregnancy- just a thickened lining. I left the clinic ashamed and heartbroken, especially when she asked me how many tests have I taken and if they were all urine (I had only done the one). She made me feel like a fool for "assuming" with a positive pregnancy test that I was actually pregnant!

I went back in after finding some brownish blood a few weeks later (maybe even a few days to a week later). I got another scan done and she saw the sac and at the very end, possibly the yolk, but still no baby. I was upset because again, by my calculations I should have been about 7 weeks at that time. Then I was told I probably ovulated late, because I tend to have very irregular cycles, and wasn't as far along as I thought. Based on what was seen and my dates I refigured my times, so now I should be about 8 weeks (Oct 14). I surely can't be any less than that.

I was concerned because my HCG didn't seem to be rising as fast as I heard they should-
Sunday the 16th of Sep they were 371
Monday the 17th they were 642
Monday the 24th they were 2,463
and Thursday the 27th they were 3,235

I haven't been in to see anyone since. They want me to wait because if there's trouble no one can help me. That doesn't help me with my worries though! One of the reasons I wanted to join was also to ask- based on my long book here- I found out I was pregnant at roughly 2 weeks along. I have had extreme symptoms (with my son, it was as if I wasn't even pregnant. I had no morning sickness, swollen anything...I didn't even show until I was nearly 6 months, and when my water broke and I went into labor he popped out an hour later). My boobs were killing me and have grown and darkened, my abdomen hurts, my lower back aches a little. I've felt nauseous (rare for me as I suffer from Emetophobia and almost NEVER puke) etc etc...but for the last 3, maybe 4 days I don't feel pregnant anymore. I mean I'm suddenly starving, yet when I eat I suddenly feel full, or like something is inside my stomach pushing it outward from the inside. I don't feel nauseous though. My breasts aren't as tender. I'm not as swollen. I do have to go to the toilet a lot more suddenly, over the last day- but these are things I've already gone through earlier. When I check the pregnancy symptom checkers online, I had already gone through all of the 8 week symptoms back when I was 4 weeks, and none of my symptoms now match up to me being 8 weeks, so I'm freaking out and terrified. I'm thinking what if I go in for a scan and there's no heartbeat? Would I know by now? I have had discharge but no bleeding, though my cervix keeps moving low and feels slightly open. I'm panicking every day and snapping at everyone. I'm waiting desperately for the magical 12 weeks to pass, and it's a living hell to think if someone is going to happen it will be within the next 4 weeks. I sometimes tell myself, after 15 years of trying, why now? What makes me think this one will last or survive? What makes this one suddenly different? Out of all the miscarriages and the ectopic, I never had symptoms, and I never even knew I was pregnant until it was coming out. At most, because I missed a period, I found out but then miscarried within the next 2 days. I've struggled on 6 weeks since I found out. I stopped smoking cold turkey, stopped doing anything bad at all and have just been hoping against hope...

And with my past history, the doctors were never able to find a reason why I kept losing them. I was actually about to start taking more tests when I found out I was pregnant

I'm SO sorry for the overly long post, I just wanted to give you a bit of background
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wow, i dont know what to say other than :hugs: and what a horrible nurse in the hospital. the symptoms of every pregnancy are different im told and i didnt want to read and run but having only been preg once and never suffering a miscarriage so far i dont really know anything helpful but i just thought id offer some support :)
I dont have any advice other than the fact that every pregnancy is different so your symptoms may be different to your first pregnancy. I really hope everything turns out ok for you hun :hug:

Hey hun wow 15 years is such a long time I can't imagine how hard it is to be going through this. I remember drinking when I was pregnant without knowing and all I had was 3 glasses of wine and I was sooo sick! So I can relate to that. But yeah every preg is different, have u taken another test recently? When have they said they'll see you? At my doctors they send you for your first midwife appt at 8 weeks.

I really really hope this works out for you and you manage to get the right care and support you need xxx
Well I went to the emergency room last night as I've been freaking myself out so much I was having a panic attack. I had my Hcg done and it was up to 12,000 something. They sent me home and I was relieved, until I realized that might be good for a week but it's been 3 weeks since my last bloods so I'm really short. Then I started panicking again.
I went in for a scan this morning and they said they can't see anything with an ultrasound (my first red flag, as 8 weeks in I'd think it would have popped out). They went trans-vaginal and saw instantly the yolk, which wasn't really there last time, and two little lumps below. She said it looked like twins but with just one sac...and no heartbeats. My uterus hadn't shown any growth either, though there were lots of changes inside. It seems to be things were growing and progressing but when I felt my loss of symptoms, I think thats when my pregnancy failed and it died. My levels are still high enough it wasn't too long ago I would have lost it. My body is still holding it all in and feeling whatever symptoms I did have left. My os is tightly closed...but I know I will miscarry soon and I'm not looking forward to it. I feel robbed. I just picked up some baby stuff last night and was decorating up the babies room...now nothing is left.
I was thinking it may have been food/feces poisoning? My sink was clogged and we used 2 bottles of Draino. My son plunged it with the dirty toilet plunger. He says he washed the sink out 3x afterwards before he did the dishes, but I know as soon as I ate off of the dishes done after the sink was unclogged, I became violently ill. This was also around the time my symptoms stopped. I'm not looking for someone to blame to make me feel better, I'm just trying to piece it all together. In either case, now I have absolutely nothing to look forward to. 15 years of struggling all for nothing. I should have known better than to think this time would be different
Hugs Hun. So sorry to read you have had to go through this. Do not blame yourself, as sad as it is mc is a way of your body protecting itself if a pregnancy is not viable, it's highly unlikely to have been the drain unblocker or anything you did or didn't do.

If you have suffered recurrent mc will the carry out any tests to see why?

Take care of yourself at this difficult time

So sorry to hear this hun, don't think theres much anyone can say hun but don't blame yourself, it's not anything you did / didn't do :( xxx big hugs xxx
oh hun you poor thing. i really cant imagine how you must be feeling but these things do just happen i doubt it was anything you did or didnt do. i hope you find strength to get through this and you will be blessed with a baby sometime soon. big hugs xxx
I'm so sorry for what happened, but please do not blame yourself, I did with my missed miscaridge , I even emailed my deoderant company asking about the ingreadiants! You cannot heal and move on till you stop searching for a reason, just that it happens - Hang in there, I really hope your ok X

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