Looks like I'm out this month :-(


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Well according my calculations I am due to ovulate tomorrow, had lines on my OPKs yesterday and today (although not really really dark lines) lots of ewcm and cramping pains. Everythings looking perfect except for one thing....OH is not up for BDing! Has his grandad's funeral tomorrow so he's feeling quite down about that, I feel selfish for wanting to BD so am trying my hardest not to put any pressure on him. At the same time I feel so disappointed at the thought of having to wait another month - we talked about it last night and he said he just has too much else on his mind at the moment. I feel such a cow but it's so hard as I badly want a baby particulary after my MC. Last time we Bd'd was lunchtime on Sunday so I'm pretty sure that's too early to be able to catch OV? Sorry to winge girls but feeling pretty down :cry:x x
hi bella

i totally understand this, i was feeling upset last week as OH didn't seem in the mood for Bd'ing. in the end i had to say to him that this is the week we needed to do it. he then agreed and we did bd but i just felt bad for asking and pressuring him! i thought at one point that we would miss it too and i had the right hump for a day or two about it! not really got any advice for you except to say, your OH deffo has a good reason and maybe this month its not meant to be, hope you can get to it next month xx
thanks hon, well I hadn't wanted to tell him I was due to ovulate so as not to put the pressure on but it all came out last night as tried to seduce him and got rejected lol! I ended up in tears and it all came out which I feel so bad about. That said I told him that he is the most important thing to me and his feelings are most important with everything that's going on at the moment. He was very understanding, don't think he realised until last night just how desperate I am to become pregnant again. I think you're right though hon I need to just except that maybe it's just not meant to be this month but maybe next month we will be lucky x x
aww sorry Bella, your poor OH. Hope he is ok. Your not a cow, its so frustrating the though of having to wait another month.

All you can do is wait and see how he is feeling tomorrow, he may feel like he wants to be close to you and you never know, things might just happen. But if not just think hos you have nice short cycles hun :) you will be oving again in no time :)

Fingers crossed for you Bella.

Aw Bella like the others have said you're not a cow - it's so understandable where you're both coming from. You've said such a lovely thing to him too - he's very loved aw. If it's not this month it'll be next xxx
Ps it's only 2 days since Sunday and swimmers stay around for about 5 don't they? Who knows ;)
Hugs to you both xxx
Sorry to hear your feeling like this hun but us girls can definately understand we're your coming from,but from your OH's point of view I can understand where he's coming from too.
Although can totally understand that it still must be hard for you to wait another month. As the girls have said though you may still be in with a chance if you get close to him tomorrow or the next day. :)
As for being rejected (i no your OH has a perfectly fine excuse) I hate this to,if for what ever reason my OH isnt up for some BDing it really annoys me as there isnt alot of the time he'll refuse (typical man!)
I think its only since Ive started to ttc that I have noticed this sometimes (as of wanting it alot,lot more than usual! lol) otherwise it has always been him nagging me for it! lol We cant win can we,lol

Goodluck hun and keep your chin up! :)
thanks girls for your lovely replies :flower: well the funeral today went really well OH's reading was lovely he did so well I don't think I would be brave enough to stand up at funeral like that. As for TTC well I got a postive on my OPK at 6pm last night, didn't BD yesterday but we did this evening, OH was feeling much more up for it after getting the stresses of the day over with. Not sure if might have been too late to catch the little egg though? Regardless though was still chuffed to know I've ovulated on time so if we don't get a BFP this month I'll def do the OPKs again next month x x
Glad the funeral went okay hun,and as for getting some BDing in,well done!! :)
Don't you get 12-24hrs after you had your positive opt to still get some BDing in?
Goodluck anyway hun xxx
Glad the funeral went ok hunny :hugs: i was thinking of you yesterday.
Your OH is very brave for doing that.
Well done for getting some bding in too hunny, goodluck and fingers crossed you caught that little eggy :) x x

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Glad the funeral went okay hun,and as for getting some BDing in,well done!! :)
Don't you get 12-24hrs after you had your positive opt to still get some BDing in?
Goodluck anyway hun xxx

Thanks hon well I think we were a little over the 24 hours so perhaps too late but we did BD 2 days before Ovulation so you never know :) x x
Glad the funeral went as well as can be, well done to your OH for doing a reading, that must have been hard for him xxxxxxxxx
Glad the funeral went ok hunny :hugs: i was thinking of you yesterday.
Your OH is very brave for doing that.
Well done for getting some bding in too hunny, goodluck and fingers crossed you caught that little eggy :) x x

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Thanks hon that's really sweet.:friends:The best part was after the Bding we layed chatting for a good hour, OH got lots of his chest and we both feel so much better and less stressed. Thinking ahead if I didn't catch the egg this month according to my calculations my testing day in February will be valentines day so I think that would be lovely to get a BFP on that day :love:
x x x
Fingers and toes crossed for you hunny x x x

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Glad the funeral went as well as can be, well done to your OH for doing a reading, that must have been hard for him xxxxxxxxx

awww thanks hon, yes was really hard for him, he did his grandad proud :angel2:x x x
Hey :wave:
Glad to hear it went well. And also the BD :) lovely that you chatted afterwards too & got lots said. Those moments are so precious. Hope you caught the egg but valentines day bfp if not is also ace :dust:
Hey :wave:
Glad to hear it went well. And also the BD :) lovely that you chatted afterwards too & got lots said. Those moments are so precious. Hope you caught the egg but valentines day bfp if not is also ace :dust:

Thanks hon :) Yes I will be a happy bunny either way - if anything this month was a bonus as definately thought I would be out all together initially x x x
Hey hun hope u and OH ok, the way I look at it is things happen for a reason and it also seems to have a good ending. I dunno why it just does?! For example (nothing related) I was pretty down on my money and life and needed a job. I went to this office to pay my rent and went to toilet and found £20 on the floor, I thought BINGO food shopping!!! But then my consience got the better of me and I handed it in. I felt silly after handing it in like duhhhh I needed that money more than ever. It just so happened That a job came up in that place and ta dahhh I got it, the woman I handed it in to was doing the interviews. Might seem like a silly example but maybe you getting pregnant a month later was for a reason?!? But if you do get one this month then even better? have u posted ur OPK pics? xx
Oh what a lovely story! I'm a definate believer in fate and Karma, and that one good turn deserves another. That's fabulous you got the job :)

Yes I do wonder if we are fated to have our BFP next month, and that circumstances happened the way they did for a reason - ie maybe after the MC last time my body will not quite be ready until next month? One thing my friend did say to me was that often when one life ends another begins so who knows - maybe OH's grandad will be up there looking down on us and bless us a lovely little baby sometime soon :pray: x x x
Oh yes re the OPK pics - how do you upload pics on here? Never done it before but thought I might have a go (all providing I can get some decent shots of the OPKs on the camera!) x x
You can upload from photobucket, its easy you just copy and paste the link

or if you dont have that. you can add as an attachment. just click attach and it will let you browse you PC.

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