Looking for some advice on loosing it naturally


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
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Yesterday I went for my first scan (11weeks) to be told there was no heart beat.

I was given 3 choices.

Loose it naturally, just let nature take its course.
Chemically with tablets & a stay in hospital to loose it
ERPC to have it removed.

After reading other peoples posts that have also had a silent / missed miscarriage I was going to go for option 3, ERPC.

But not I have my doubts & feel maybe I should let nature take its course & let everything come away naturally..

Any advice from anyone that have had the above?
Hiya sorry about ur loss a mmc is a cruel way to lose a baby so so upsetting I've had 2 now , first one the baby stopped at 5.5 weeks I was 10 weeks wen found out I opted to go with the medical managed as my body hasn't done anything in 4 weeks so I didn't think it was gonna do it naturally any time soon, so I went in and had the tablet etc I was there all day bleeding and in agony for me it didn't work at all and as I was due to go on holiday to Corfu in about 10 days I didn't have time to mess about I went for the erpc which was a lot better than I thought the staff were fantastic, same happens exactly a yr later give otpr take a few days I had however seen my baby hb at 7 weeks so was confident and had realy strong symptoms but at 10 weeks I had another scan and my baby heart had stopped not long after my last scan :-( I couldn't wait I just opted for erpc my body doesn't do the whole natural process it just carries on ASIF it's pregnant still and all is ok :-( so few days later went had the erpc again and again was over with and relatively painless and hardly no bleeding , it's gotta be ur choice everyone is difrent ur body might be ok and go naturally any day and it might not the medical managed might work it might not ya just don't know I just wanted the nightmare to end ASAP and be bk in control again , realy hope it all goes ok for u massive hugs xxx
Hey honey, Im really sorry for your loss, its a horrible thing to have to go through. I lost my little bean at 7 weeks so didnt make my first scan but I did have a full natural mc. It was like a heavy bleed with some bad cramps. Only you can make thd decision with your OH just take a bit of time to think whats best for you!! Take care and make time for u and oh to grieve! Xxxx
Hey hun. I was in similar situation, had a scan 22nd jan to find out the baby had died 3 weeks before. I decided to go for natural (only to minimise hospital visits). It only started wed last week and last night everything came away.

I'll be honest, waiting was stressful and did take longer than i had hoped but now im glad i waited.

Everyone is different and i did consider the op but i was scared.

Lets face it nothing is ideal in this situation but you just have to do what you need to to make it easiest on you.

Feel free to message me if you want to talk xxx
Hi Linzi I am so sorry you are going through this, the same thing happened to me just over a week ago, I went for my 12 week scan to be told the babys heart beat had stopped.
I was absolutely devastated and the doctor gave me several leaflets but you just don't feel like reading them do you.
I decided to have a D+C but unfortunately started bleeding heavily so had to go for the medical management or wait two days for the D+C.
If I am really honest this seemed like the cruelest way I was in hospital for 3 days in lots of pain, emotionally don't think I will ever forget what I had to go through. I am back at work this week and feel just very sad and physically drained. I wouldnt of opted for medical management if I could of waited.

Hope you feel better soon hun and you do whats best for you.

Thanks everyone for the reply.

I do want to do it myself at home & let it go naturally. But like Lou, I think the wait is going to be the worse.

Or its the quick option of the operation, which to I am scared.
I think the op is the best way to have it over quickly and you dont see anything that isnt very nice. Plus with the natural, i wont know if everything has come away until the scan and if anything is left il have to have the operation anyway. Theres pros and cons to both xxx
hey hun sorry for whatyou are going through i have had two mc in a row. 1st one i let it happen natually and it took about 2 weeks in all was a bit painfull and emotionally draining, second one i had the erpc and was so much easier was only in hospital for the moring and only bleed for 2 days after with hardly any pain and the staff were so good. It has to be your choice just look after yourself and trust me when i say that it does get easier with time. Goodluck and sending you hugs
Hi hon, I am sorry for your loss.

I have had 5 mc's now and had an ERPC for 4 of them. I found it to be the best way as it is relatively painless (physically) and you heal very quickly.

At the end of the day, it has to be your decision but am sending you hugs and thoughts x
So sorry to hear about your loss. I had an erpc before Xmas. Was quick and painless. Bled lightly for about 4 days after and af came 6 weeks after. I had started miscarrying naturally at home the week before and for me it was awful. I lost so much blood i passed out and ended up in a&e. when I was scanned I hadn't passed everything so had to have op. as above ladies have said its your choice but I'm glad I had op. I needed closure x
I would advise against mc naturally....i was only 7 weeks along, when mine happened, but seeing baby on the toilet tissue when you wipe is horrific, and as you were further along, I fear it would be more recognisable. It's the worse visual memory I have in my head at the moment, DH also looked and he has flashbacks of seeing it etc. Also it seems lots of ladies feel guilty about the baby going in the toilet or flushing it away - but not knowing what else to do in the situation.

If I was in your position I would go for the erpc - as other ladies have said it seems not so bad and minimal bleeding afterwards.
Sorry for your loss, its horrible going through that. Iv had two mmc and a blighted ovum and ended up having two erpcs and medical management once. I wouldn't go through medical management again I found it really painful and upsetting and affected me for a while afterwards. I foun the erpc the best route as it is over with faster and you can move on sooner and less stressful. I was upset about carrying around a baby without a heartbeat for longer than I had to. You need to decide the best one for you. Hope your ok x
I do agree with iwant3 in a way, i was just expecting clots tbh i didnt think u would actually see the baby, that was the worst of it all. (Thank u for confirming that by the way i wasnt sure if it happened to a lot of women and didnt want to ask) xxx

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