don't know what to do - advice appreciated

Sorry one more time for what you are going through :hug:
I would choose again the d&c without any thoughts.
The anesthesia was nth to be afraid of, everything was done in 10 min and in 20 min I was back in my room recovering in my oh cuddle.
20 min later I was on my feet having a shower and then enjoying some tea and food. I had some cramps immediately after i woke up (much easier than my usual Af cramps) and the mw that was taking care of me gave me meds do fast than in 10 min I forgot all about that.
1 h later we were in our way home and soon after in bed sleeping like nth happened.
My bleeding was minimal, alternating with a couple of days o moderate bleeding (like 1 day af bleeding) I bled totally for 15-17 days but it was more spotting the most of those. I had my first period like 15 days after the bleeding stop. I had irregular cycles for several months (24-30 days so not so bad) and the first af was heavy and pretty painful.

All in one it wasn't so bad, I think going through all the natural mc pain would have been more traumatizing for me. It was like a closure for me...

Good luck :hug:
Hello, know that u had to let hospital know by now anyway, so a bit late for me to post! So sorry u going through this, but just wanted to say that I had nattural mc in jan, it was awful, lots of pain and blood. Ended up being rushed to a and e where they monitoed me and gave me morphind. I hope this doesnt happen to me again, as im ttc, but if it did i would go for d and c. My husband was also quite upset by our experience and has said he wouldnt want me to go through that again. Hope that helps, so sorry xx
Am waiting for the EGU to get back to me and confirm that I can have that appointment... have called twice earlier today - very frustrating!

Apparently I got the dates wrong and the earliest ERPC would be next wednesday - even further away! but at this rate I don't think anything 'natural' will happen before that, body is still looking after everything inside, no sign of anything. :(

Well it sounds like experiences with the natural option have been almost universally bad, and with the surgical option, almost all good, so that's super-helpful to know. Thank you xx
so sorry this happened to you hun :hugs:

as you know i had 2 d&c and had much the same experience as the others, its over fast and not painful. i had a delay in period returning after second one 10 weeks i think, but then fell pregnant with my little boy the next cycle so no damage done.

here if you need to chat :hugs: xxxx
just read this too tinsel, push to get your op moved forward if you can.
Surely because of the sensitive nature and its a very quick procedure they can put it first?
If you feel you want to, I would say how much you need this to be over and how much emotional stress it is causeing you at the thought oif waiting. Or you may feel its ok to wait ?

They did at my hospital anyway, both times I did not have to wait long, the first time I found out on a friday so had to wait til Monday, the 2nd time it was the next day after finding out I had the ERPC.

I found the cple of days wait if the first quite good, as let me get my head around it all, and grieve some so I nwas ready to say goodbye at ERPC. 2nd time was fine just wanted ot to be over to be honest

I agree with the others it is very quick and painless, after my first I did need antibiotics and did bleed a bit after, the 2nd as earlier i suppose no pain after and no anti biotics and very light bleeding and little after.

loook after yourself hun st this terrible time , feel for you xxxxx
The natural part of my mmc took quite a while to happen after finding out. Found out at 11+1 weeks, then mc happened 12+4 weeks. Although if I were u I would try and push to be seen for the op sooner. When I had my op, I broke down on the phone to the epu on the Wednesday after being told to just keep waiting after 13 weeks of bleeding. I had the op on the Friday afternoon. xxxx

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