there is hope.. lost 3 have 1 expecting another


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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hi guys i misscarried at 12weeks well i went for my first scan happy as larry and left devested there was just no heart beat i seen my baby just layin there and had the choice to let nature take is course or to have the baby removed i decided to let it happen natural till i went home and all i could imagin was my dead baby in me i couldnt bare to watch slip out of me so i went to hospital a few months later the same thing happened but in march i had a lil girl oviously that 12weeks scan i was dreadin but i am now expecting again im 6weeks and once again dreading the 12weeks scan :( i never want to have to past a mag that it was bad news.... but i count my lucky stars i have a baby to hold on to
dont give up girls! its worth it
Hi Dionne,

Thanks for sharing your story with us.. very encouraging to hear some good news after such sad times.. so sorry to hear of your losses.. it is so heartbreaking when it happens and then we try again and worry ourselves crazy - I m/c in August at 8 weeks - I hope that I will have another chance and that one day I will be a mum too.

Try not to worry so much - you are obviously a strong person and you wil give your bean every chance so just take it easy and everything will be fine.. good luck and keep us posted.

I am so scared that I will not be able to concieve or that when I do I will m/c again so I would love to hear any advice you can give...

take care x
wot helped me was...... i misscarried the first time it was a shock :shock: as i was not expecting it i was a stress head wen i was preg rushing about worrying a bout the house work worrying bout work, then wen i was preg second time i was a nervous wreck every twinge i would panic and cry so wen i misscarried again i just shut down got preg a 3rd time and didnt really think about been through it twice so felt i wouldnt be shocked again i just chilled out done nothing didnt worry and thene 8months later i was pushing my lil girl into the world. but all i can really recomend is when u r trying for a baby dont think about it cause when i was thinking bout getting preg i never did but when i just forgot about it i realised i was 2weeks late... so just chill out and take your time :)
and start taking some mujm to be tablets now i did b4 i was preg doctor recomended them got them from boots :)

good luck x x x
Thanks Dionne,

Unfortunately the "not thinking about it" is impossible. I have officially become "obsessed"!!! I am not charting or peeing on sticks etc yet but if I don't get a BFP the relaxed way [BD'ing when necessary etc!!] then I expect I will start the whole cycle charting experience.

I know what you are saying about being relaxed.. many women say the same thing but how is it possible??? Every day I think about it, of course I go about my work and life as normal but when AF arrives after the glimmer of hope it is devastating. We were so lucky to conceive in June, we were not even trying.. just got lucky as it was that time of the month and we were on a romantic trip to Italy but now I am trying and it does seem to be rather more difficult. I know my body is still recovering from m/c so I will be a bit more patient but I would love to have a BFP before Xmas!!!!


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