Looking for some advice - about Baileys my dog

Sorry Mel, I missed this. I'm not a dog owner, so I don't have any advice but just wanted to offer you some hugs and say I'm thinking of you.

Good luck with your decision - do as your heart tells you.

Valentine Xxx
aww hope shes better soon. im sorry i cant offer any advice, hopefully theyll find something out from this last appointment and fix whatever it is :hug:
:hug: having recently had one of my cats put to sleep I so totaly feel for you. I really hope this new vet can help get to the bottom of this :hug: :hug:
I have just read your post and really broke me heart...

I could not make such a big decision without knowing i had exhausted every possible avenue, i would do anything for my dogs and if the vet was insistant that there was nothing they could do and the dog was in pain i would not hesitate as painful as it was. I have lost 3 dogs in total to ill health all at good ages thank goodness and i know how pain staking it is. I still get upset over lost dogs because they have bought be so much joy. SO much so my current dalmation she is only 2 in april, but her mum had a massive heart attack at 5 years old and i am frightened.

one of my last dogs...Penny was found to have cancer and only 6 months to live which gutted me, btu she lived 2 and half years longer.... but you know your own dog hun...dont give up thats my advice.

Basically i am saying i would do anything for my two girls (my dogS)!! they are part of the family... i just hope bailey gets better soon for you all at such a young age.
Hiya Melanie, that all sounds really positive and I hope they get to the bottom of this for you and Baileys.
Well Richard has taken Baileys to the vet again for the results and the rest of the tests to run. She was much happier last night after the vet had given her something to stop her being sick and a pain killer. Im just hoping that whatever this is can be fixed! I'll let you know what happened when they get back.
Awww im really glad you found a bteer vet! I really hope they get to the bottom of it Baileys sounds like a lovely dog!
Awww only just seen this hope they can give you some answrs and I hope she is ok! :hug: :hug:
So the vet has cracked it! Baileys has two things wrong with her that are totally separate but together caused her huge amounts of pain which made her so sick.
She has hip dysplasia which is very painful but she is now having steroid/cortisone injections to control the pain and reduce the effects. She also has Lyme Disease, the vet thinks that its actually a flare up of the virus that has been dormant for a while in her system. The way she explained it is that because Baileys is such a big dog it can take a long time for her symptoms to become noticeable because they tend to tolerate a lot more than a smaller dog would. She's started treatment for that too.
Right now Baileys seems very happy, she's eating again and hasn't been sick since the medicine she was given yesterday started to work.
The vet wants to keep seeing her once a week for three week to make sure her treatments are working but shes very confident that they will and that Baileys will be fine when its time to fly home!
I'm just so relieved that my baby is ok!!!!
aww hun im so pleased for you - Glad they sorted it all out :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
That's great news Melanie, I'm so so happy for you!

Valentine Xxx
Just seen the update! thats brilliant news Mel! Im so glad shes on the mend, youl have to post a picture of her when shes 100% better!
I'm so pleased to hear she has been diagonosed and can be treated. Lyme disease is one of those things that can happen if dogs pick up ticks :( But it is cureable :)

Glad to hear she is doing better :)
There are vets that you can ask questions to at www.televets.com
they will give you honest answers, and as far as i know it is all for free!
might be worth an ask on there if you need any info.

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