I know you don't luv, but you will know when the time is right, I promise you!
I lost one of my dogs to something similar - osteo carcenoma, seemed contained, then all of a sudden one weekend (while I was heavily pregnant) she started seizing and losing control of her body functions, which meant she had secondry tumours in her brain.
I spent the worst night of my life sleeping on the floor with her beside me.
When there was no change in the morning I made the decision to put her to sleep.
My family were all distraught for Floss and worried about me. I had to be there at the end (even though my mum and dad didn't want me to get too stressed). I had been with her all her 14 years and I wasn't going to let her do the last bit of the journey without me.
You will know when it's time, and you may, if you are like me, feel relief mixed in with that sadness when you know Bailey has no more pain or confusion.
PM me if you want luv, i'm here for you!