Baileys only has a couple of days left :(

So sorry for you Mel :hug:

I have said it before but having her put her to sleep is a such a selfless act, you are giving her the freedom to run free again and to take away the pain she is suffering. She will always be with you, that can't be taken away.

Thinking off you :hug:
awww Mel , i'm so sorry for you all, don't know what to say apart from we are all thinking of you. :hug: :hug:
Mel, Im so sorry :hug: :hug: I went through the same heartbreak last year with my cat and I know what you are going through. You will feel guilt so badly that you will hate yourself but you will also feel immense relief that your poor little baby is no longer suffering. Not a day goes by when something reminds me of my little cat and I often find myself sheding a little tear :cry: If you need to talk, rant or cry about it feel free to PM me. Thinking about you and Baileys :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry if this is a little disjointed darednt stray to page 2 as im now bawling my eyes out whilse OH looks on in terror, not knowing how to counterbalance that poem, it was so lovely and sad ! Im so sorry to hear about Bailey, sending lots of hugs :hug: to you !! x x
Mel I'm so sorry, things like this are never easy. We had to get my parents dog put to sleep last week as she had cancer, it was heartbreaking as we had her 15 years, the only consolation was that we didn't have to see her suffer anymore :(

Thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww hunni, im soooo sorry. Its the worst part of my job, i hate it :o(

Can the vet not come to ur house and do it there? Where she wont be stressed out and u can cuddle her right till the end? I know it will be hard with LO around but its just a thought.

Lots of hugs hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

Tori xx
Mel - I'm so so sorry to hear this. So many :hug: going to you. You are all in my thoughts.

Valentine Xxx
I feel like crap, Baileys had a great day yesterday, the three of us ran round the garden for ages playing football. Thea thought it was great and Baileys just seemed really well. It didnt last very long and when we came in she laid down and couldnt get back up again for ages. Seeing her running around made it seem cruel to have her put to sleep. I know we have to and i know its better for Baileys if its sooner rather than later but i really dont want to do it.
I know you don't luv, but you will know when the time is right, I promise you!

I lost one of my dogs to something similar - osteo carcenoma, seemed contained, then all of a sudden one weekend (while I was heavily pregnant) she started seizing and losing control of her body functions, which meant she had secondry tumours in her brain.

I spent the worst night of my life sleeping on the floor with her beside me.

When there was no change in the morning I made the decision to put her to sleep.

My family were all distraught for Floss and worried about me. I had to be there at the end (even though my mum and dad didn't want me to get too stressed). I had been with her all her 14 years and I wasn't going to let her do the last bit of the journey without me.

You will know when it's time, and you may, if you are like me, feel relief mixed in with that sadness when you know Bailey has no more pain or confusion.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

PM me if you want luv, i'm here for you!

I know you don't and it is going to be so hard but I think its nearly time for her. Dogs have a higher pain threshold and also tend to make the effort for us. Even when they are poorly as hell they will still make that effort for us as they always have done.

I always think, as hard as it is, its kinder too put a friend to sleep sooner rather than later if you know it has to be done. It won't be cruel to have her put to sleep. The times when she is brighter are fewer and futher in between and also it is taking a huge amount out of her. Keeping her going any longer would be more for your benefit than hers possibly.

For yourself, these next couple of days will be torment as you will watch everything and keep asking yourself if its the right thing to do. And of course it will play on your mind and you'll feel like crap. I know I went through that with Daisy and Bo. I was distraught watching them both going before my eyes. But both times the vet had given me a time frame to expect to see improvement and if none were made or they got worse then I had to decide. With Daisy I didn't wait the 72 hours after the second stroke. I got to 48 and just knew I could not let her go on even though she was not distressed or in pain. The Daisy dog we knew and loved was still in there but was never going to be able to come back. Also for myself I was so distressed and trying to care for her (she needed more or less constant care/watching by this point) it was taking its toll on me. I phoned the vet and said I was on my way in there and then.

Will your vet come out to your house? If so consider doing that. I found it very comforting having our vet come out for Bowie. I made the decision and she was here a couple of hours later (she drove an hour to get here bless her). She told me I was making the right decision. We also opted, so we had more closure on their passing, to have both our dogs cremated and the ashes returned to us. It took two weeks to get Bo's ashes back but it was only then I really stopped crying about him being gone. For some reason having his ashes back helped me greatly. I think it was just knowing he was home with us. We plan on taking both sets of ashes to one of the dogs favourite haunts and scattering them sometime in the not too distant future. Waiting for a warm sunny day :)

I still miss them and sometimes find myself with teary eyes when I look for them somewhere or don't see their little faces when I look up. But I have so many good memories of them both and know they had good lives with me and were happy. That is my comfort. Time is a great healer.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks girls.
The Vet will come here and give her the injection. Richard is going to pick up a sedative the night before for her so she will be asleep when the vet comes. Our Vet will have her cremated for us and we can collect her ashes. I'll take them home to England and scatter them over the hilltops where we walked.
Richard is going to call the Vet and arrange to have it done either tomorrow or Friday depending when he can take the time away from work. :cry:
Oh Melanie, my heart is aching for you im so sorry you have to go through this and poor Bailey. its the hardest thing to let something that u love so much go, but if its better for her and she isnt suffering anymore, when she goes u will have the lovely memories of her to keep with you forever, my thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time :hug: :hug: :hug:
Its aweful when a pet is really il. We had a stffi but we didnt know he had a heartdefect which he was born with, he ended up really ill and his cough was horrid, made me wana cry. I wasnt there when he died but my mum told me it was a good job as it was very unpleasant :cry: :hug: thinking of you chick xx
I'm so sorry hun :hug: We've got an old dog and I know it won't be long until we have to go through the same as you, we had a scare a few weeks back but she's picked up for now.
Melaine I can only imagine what you are going through. My dog is my baby too and shes been in my life so long, it would be heartbreaking to lose her. From the sounds of it you are doing the right thing. No doubt you have gone through this in your head a million times. Sending huge hugs to you all and poor Bailey :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Mel; I am so so sorry hun!

I totally understand how you are feeling. I had to have my beautiful doggy put to sleep 3 years ago and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

It was also the best decision; as he was suffering and I didn't want that to continue.

Our pets are our babies and it is just so hard. I am here if you need to chat.

Thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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