Lifting the Veil #2

Am i losing the plot or is urchins avater a different colour everytime i look. Ive had a rough day.
lauramumof2 said:
Am i losing the plot or is urchins avater a different colour everytime i look. Ive had a rough day.

:rotfl: :rotfl: i know! i was going to pm her yesterday about it. I thought i was going doo lally tap :rotfl:
lauramumof2 said:
Am i losing the plot or is urchins avater a different colour everytime i look. Ive had a rough day.

Haha you 2 are on the ball.

It's ALWAYS changed colour, with my regular avs one jumps, one blinks and one shakes.

However, now I have my halloween avs, a ghost, a devil, a frankenstein and a pumpkin face.

Catch up girls, it'll be my Christmas selection before you know it .

I noticed that ages ago and thought i was losing it for a second aswell lol :rotfl:
I think some kids would be scared and it'd cause confusion in the classroom. some kids are so frightened of people in masks or who have their face covered!
She would remove her veil as long as there was no male present so the kids would probably hardly see her with the veil.I think kids are a lot more open minded about things then adults are as they don't have pre concieved ideas.
beanie said:
She would remove her veil as long as there was no male present so the kids would probably hardly see her with the veil.I think kids are a lot more open minded about things then adults are as they don't have pre concieved ideas.

That's what I think too :D Prejudice is learned. I think a child may be curious about differences, but most accept any explanation you can give them.
Correct me if im wrong, but if we were to go into a bp garage we have to take our motorcycle helmets off t show our faces, but if theres men around they can cover their faces freely?? i find that wrong.
Because there ahve been plenty of occasions where somewone has worn a helmet to rob a garage etc but so far I have yet to see soemone in nijab on crimewatch.
beanie said:
Because there ahve been plenty of occasions where somewone has worn a helmet to rob a garage etc but so far I have yet to see soemone in nijab on crimewatch.

was that meant to be funny because it was :rotfl:
Its still a possibility tho, its not long before someone comes up with the idea, they dont even have to be religious, just some woman who fancies some cash? Or a man? who can tell?
I like being able to see peoples faces. It shows trust. Facial expressions are a big part of life and understanding someone. I think its rude to cover their faces in our country. We would do it in theirs as respect of their religion. People forget this is england and the main religion is Christianity.
how is it wrong

ppl have to compromise...

blind ppl can bring their dogs in shops that staes no dogs allowed.. but i couldnt go in there with my staffy

be aware of diversity and different circumstances

a helmet and cultural/religious symbol is way off point
there's a big difference between somebody blind, and somebody covering up their face.

for starters, people don't choose to be blind. they can't help it. if they need a dog, that's just it, they NEED a dog. it's not like they can just go "oh well, i'm gonna get rid of my dog". the dog helps them perform basic daily tasks!

these people CHOOSE to live in a western christian country. in doing so, they ought to respect and adhere to the customs, traditions, and dress of this country, just as we would do in muslim countries.
what are the customs, the dress code, the traditions. Dog fighting, public hangings (though I bet some people would love to see the return of those), getting pissed in a pub, wearing a flat cap, eating fish and chips and rading the sun etc. Yes Great Britain is a mainly christian country, I am not christian but I live in a democracy where I can choose what to wear, and what beliefs to follow. I really cannot for the life of me understand why people have a problem (not having a go but I am really confused). Whether people like it or not the face of Britain is changing, and we can either accept it and learn to live together with a greater understanding of eachother or we can continue to fight it and create tensions and then wonder why we are having the problems we have. The problem is far more then the veil, and I am being a bit too simplistic with the solution but all this talk of respecting our "british" culture baffles me as I don't know what this culture is. Some of these women who choose to wear the veil are britsh women, even white british women. Personally i have far more of an issue with really fat women in leggings.
I have an issue with it because of the double standards.

i bet if a teacher started teaching lessons wearing a balaclava people would object! so what's the difference.

only difference is that they claim its for religious reasons.....well okay.....but this is a christian country, and you can't bend the rules just because a muslim comes along and doesn't like them!

if they want to practice their religion so badly, why don't they go to a muslim country? they know full well what kind of country this is before coming here (actually, that's probably the reason they DO come here - this is a country is a joke at the moment!)
Xena said:
I have an issue with it because of the double standards.

i bet if a teacher started teaching lessons wearing a balaclava people would object! so what's the difference.

only difference is that they claim its for religious reasons.....well okay.....but this is a christian country, and you can't bend the rules just because a muslim comes along and doesn't like them!

if they want to practice their religion so badly, why don't they go to a muslim country? they know full well what kind of country this is before coming here (actually, that's probably the reason they DO come here - this is a country is a joke at the moment!)

The muslim faith has actually been in Britain a lot longer then people think, the first mosque was in Cardiff in the late 1800's. And a lot of people that want to practice their faith are BRITISH, over many generations.
i wonder how would the country be like.. if the bnp were to take over :think:

i think we should have a 'immigrants' month off and see

just a thought :roll:
ebony_preggy said:
i wonder how would the country be like.. if the bnp were to take over :think:

i think we should have a 'immigrants' month off and see

just a thought :roll:

We once got a leaflet of theirs through the door and on the back was a picture of him with his kid and a speech bubble coming out of his kids mouth saying "my daddy is not a racist" :roll:

To be honest it terrifies me that these narrow minded bigoted people could get into power.
i think the bnp are too extreme. if they had it their way i'd probably be shipped back to france - my dad too!

aren't they all about pure british white people and nobody else?

i don't mind muslims being here, i just think they ought to integrate with our western christian society, as we would do if we went over to a muslim country. we would cover ourselves up.
there are many muslim women who do not have full face veils, therefore it is not necessary. why can't they just wear a headscarf if they HAVE to wear anything at all? others do and get along perfectly fine!

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