Lifestyle changes for TTC?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2012
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Just thought it would be nice to discuss what lifestyle changes we've made for TTC

Since me and OH started trying I have:

-Given up alcohol
-Cut right down on caffeine
-Drinking more water
-Trying to get my 5 a day every day
-Taking pregnancy vitamins with folic acid

The lack of alcohol and caffeine have been the hardest changes. Decaff tea is slightly unusual and I miss my glass of red in the evenings! But I keep telling myself that I will have to do this when pregnant, so I might as well do it now!


I am WTT at the mo but here are some of the things I do and have done;

I dont drink much anyway but no alcohol in 2ww
Try to eat more fruit and lots of water
take vits-although the doctor has told me I only need folic acid until pregnant
Tried (tried) to stay calm and relaxed

Also, OH has rules,

Laptop is not for the lap
Vits for him, was on zinc but now on zinc, vitc and selenium
He eats v healthily and drinks loads of water

I started taking folic acid in January but changed to pregnacare conception formula tablets this week. I returned to weight watchers last week and have lost 4lbs already. I eat plenty of fruit and veg anyway but have cut down on the unhealthy stuff. I also gave up smoking but have wavered a bit recently as I am so fed up with TTC - next week I plan to stop again. I'm also cutting down on tea and drinking lots of fruit tea ( though I still have to have my 1st cuppa every morning and one at night).
My changes include:

*Given up alcohol
*Changed to decaff tea, i avoid coffee
*Stopped smoking
*Started taking vits
*try to eat healthy, but i love my chocolate :(

So none of the above have helped! lol
I don't need to cut smoking or alcohol as I don't drink or smoke
I take feraglobin anyway, so getting all the essential vits etc there
Am taking evening primrose oil
I get lots of walking exercise and eat ok

that's it!
I stopped smoking and cut down (but didn't stop) alcohol. Have been drinking a glass of semi skimmed milk with breakfast. Taking normal folic acid and opti-omega 3. Doing regular exercise and trying to maintain healthy weight. I generally try to limit caffeine to 2 cups of coffee per day only.

Along the way, have taken agnus castus, vit b6, and used progesterone cream in luteal phase...

This month with BFP just been trying to be generally healthy but not cut anything out completely, and took the folic acid/omega 3 only.

Oh and I ate some chocolate sperm at a hen do :-)
Me and OH have actually had quite a lot of lifestyle changes.


  • Exercising more
  • Drinking more water
  • Taking metformin & folic acid
  • Trying to loose weight
  • A much healthier diet

  • Wearing loose boxers so those spermies have freedom to circulate :)
  • Exercsing more
  • A much healthier diet when possible as he works shifts

Neither of us really drank regularly, neither do we smoke.
I have:
Started taking folic acid
Cut down on caffene (1 cup of tea in the morning)
Tried to get less stressed about silly inconsequentional things
Cut down on alcohol but have the odd glass

Still to do:
Exercise a bit more
And I really should lose a little weight
I tried so hard to do this when we were TTC! I'm trying to get back into the habit again just for the sake of being healthy but it's so hard!
Cutting out caffeine, weirdly not so much of a challenge because I can't taste the difference between caffeine or decaf.
Eating more fruit/veg. Half and half with this, I'm obsessed with fruit but never find the time to cook a decent meal to get the veg.
Alcohol not a problem, I don't drink anyway. Well, I do but sparingly and rarely. I had a pint of Crabbies alcoholic ginger ale last month, that's pretty much me done for the year now. Neither of us smoke either.
Chocolate is my biggest devil to give up. And eating on a regular basis. I'm a lot better now but I still class myself as suffering with an ED because it doesn't go away. Even though I've gained weight and eat a lot better than I used to, I still find myself skipping meals or not eating all day on occasion. I actually think that may be my largest vice.
Regulating eating sucks.
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* No Alcohol at all
* No Caffeine at all (I have decaf coffee that is quite nice)
* I drink lots of water.
* I eat a very balanced diet (to the point of obsession)
* Take vitamins
* Make sure I have a 1hr walk every day (it use to be every other day)
* A lot more praying.

I hope it works out this time!
I, thankfully didnt smoke or drink, yes - I am a weird 21 year old lol.

I have balanced healthy diet.

I took pregnacare duo for him/her :)

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