Hi ladies,
I need advice - my baby is only a day and half old - he been taking 30ml every 3-4 hours during day. Had a 60ml feed at 11pm and then down to sleep at 11.30pm. He woke at 3.30am but as soon as I picked him up and cuddled him for 2 mins he went straight back to sleep so put him back in basket and he still asleep now at 4am. Should I be waking him to feed him or would you let him sleep and only feed if he cries for it? I never had this issue with my daughter as she would scream for milk every 3 hours at night x
I need advice - my baby is only a day and half old - he been taking 30ml every 3-4 hours during day. Had a 60ml feed at 11pm and then down to sleep at 11.30pm. He woke at 3.30am but as soon as I picked him up and cuddled him for 2 mins he went straight back to sleep so put him back in basket and he still asleep now at 4am. Should I be waking him to feed him or would you let him sleep and only feed if he cries for it? I never had this issue with my daughter as she would scream for milk every 3 hours at night x