well testing every other day went out the window... tested today again now in the afternoon. Sigh.
No symptoms other than sore nipples and slightly tender breasts, which could be anything really, and I've been very tired, especially Sunday (way too early,) and yesterday which is also pretty much too early

Also had the odd twinge or bubbly feeling in lower abdomen, but I've come to realise I feel that every month

So nah.. nothing really. OPK a bit darker than last time I did an OPK, but it's not even close to positive.. so I don't have a clue!
Which makes perfect sense 7dpo

oooh, hubby has commented on that my body/skin is very hot! so maybe that's a good sign
I have one question about temping, maybe some of you can answer it? I temp orally, and this morning it 36.5, I temped again like 3 min later, just lying in bed, it was 36.7, and then I checked again right after, 36.6. Why is it so different? What can I do about it and which of the temperatures should I write down?