let down :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
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little overivew:

  • been on the pill since i was 15, now im 22, was on microgynon for several years then cerozette since i was 19. my periods were light, pain and symptom free and regular monthly on cerozette
  • I stopped taking the pill this sept after my regular period
  • my oct period was late by a week and horrendous! achy boobs, pains, hot flushes, sickness, off my usually fave foods, skin a nightmare, heavy bleeding
  • my nov period arrived 28 days later and was symptom free, only slight pain, lasted 7 days and was heavier than when on the pill but manageable :)
  • 25 days later has shown my dec period :( had no sore nipples etc this time, little teary the immediate day before but had reason to anyway. ive felt lighter, happier this month even though xmas stress etc has been on me so was disappointed when the blob arrived :(
well...........i guess theres always next month :roll:

I was on Microgynon for years and then Cerazette. I had no problems with the Microgynon and fell pregnant quite quickly after coming off both times (3 and 2 months respetively). The Cerazette really messed my cycle up and I only took if for 2 months as I was breastfeeding so I couldnt take Microgynon. I had a couple of crazy cycles then we TTC and I fell first month - not the first month after I stopped taking it but the first month I wasnt taking it and was TTC if that makes sense.

Dont lose heart. It's very very early in your TTC journey hun :)

I was on Microgynon for years and then Cerazette. I had no problems with the Microgynon and fell pregnant quite quickly after coming off both times (3 and 2 months respetively). The Cerazette really messed my cycle up and I only took if for 2 months as I was breastfeeding so I couldnt take Microgynon. I had a couple of crazy cycles then we TTC and I fell first month - not the first month after I stopped taking it but the first month I wasnt taking it and was TTC if that makes sense.

Dont lose heart. It's very very early in your TTC journey hun :)

yup that makes sense thanks :) sept was the first month i stopped taking it and oct was the first month not taking it and that was a crazy cycle! thought i was dying!lol! couldnt eat, felt sick, passing out, hot flushes, etc etc, my friends called that my menopause month!lol! all seems to have settled down now so fingers crossed! :)

my brother in law and my partners best friend have recently accidentially got their girlfriends pregnant, since, one has got married and the other plan to, as happy as i am for them its heart wrenching that we're not pregnant yet :(
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I know it's so hard when you want something so much. In the time it's taken me to have one baby and fall for another our best friend have had 4 miscarriages and another couple we know have been TTC since before us and still no baby :(

Anyway the cutest babies take the longest to make ;)
You look like you both have the good looking genes ;)
i keep saying to myself it will happen when the time is right and "mini" u will come when he or she is ready and as mervs mum said, cutiest babies take the longest to make.

you always have the fun of "making" them hehe
Hiya! Your body will adjust in its own time Im sure - good luck in TTC - lots of :dust: being sent your way :)
Aww sorry it didn't happen this month hun :( but take heart for a 2010 :bfp:

Welcome to Pregnancy Forum :wave:
Hi and Welcome :hug: Lots of baby dust for you! Good luck TTC:dust: xx

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