need help please


Active Member
Oct 23, 2011
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I'm sooooo confused I came off pill on the 11th of october then had a withdrawal bleed then 28 days from my last proper pill period was the 1st I had a brown discharge when I was due on cramping but no period so now I've gone by with my withdrawal bleed and I was due on yesterday no period took two pregnancy tests negative I'm gutted I really thought that the brown spotting I got was implantation shall I give it another week I now won't know when I'm ouvulating cuz I've not had a proper period since the pill I'm feeling worried is it normal to be like this after being on the pill x
I think it is very normal after coming off the pill, you body needs to get used to life off the pill!

I would give it a little more time and see how things are then, if your really worried go to your gp and have a chat with them.

Good luck for you BFP soon!

I reached CD37 before getting AF on my first cycle off pill. x
Def Hun, I was on the pill 12 years, firstaf was at 30 days, waited fir the next, bfn on test, but tested too soon, 2 weeks later I tested again and BFP! Unfortunately I had a mc and my cycles are all over the place again, I think u just have to give your body time to re adjust x
my first cycle after coming off pill was 36 days, next cylce was 37 days...this cycle im on cd35 today and still no sign of af, so every girl is different hun espec after coming off the pill, but if you are concerned you should see your GP, they may be able to gie you some advice/an insight into what to do or expect.

good luck on getting ur bfp really soon xxxxxxxxx

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