Lessons we've learnt today

I've learnt that encouraging your daughter to like the same things as you can backfire. I am now sick of hearing the Lion King soundtrack (Broadway musical version) and watching the special edition dvd. :doh:
today i have learnt:

I am an utter cross stitch addict :D
(babylicious you are fab :D :D :D thank you muchly my lovely :D)

I get giddy on pepsi max :D

Rude man in makro cafe plus a PMSing red head= One very scared rude man who appologises LOTS :rotfl: :rotfl:
(i only told him manners were free and it would be nice to be spoken to like poo poo when im a cutomer he is serving :angel: (or words to that affect :rotfl: ))

And after my thread in adults (tmi sorry) you can never trust your body :rotfl:

So far im having a fun Sunday :D
(not sarcasm either lol)
Today I have learnt that Iced Gems are not as nice as I remember them being as a kid :(
SarahH said:
Today I have learnt that Iced Gems are not as nice as I remember them being as a kid :(

I know! It's soo depressing when that happens. I learnt the same thing about rainbow drops......

But...Black jacks still taste as good and make for interesting :puke: when the sickness hits again......
Black Jack :puke:

Fruit Salads and Apple Jacks on the other hand :dance:

I think this calls for a visit to aquarterof.co.uk :D :D
Never underestimate how much toilet roll a 9 year old can use and the phrase..."O-oh" from the bathroom means - bring the plunger, mop and bucket :roll:
Squiglet said:
Never underestimate how much toilet roll a 9 year old can use and the phrase..."O-oh" from the bathroom means - bring the plunger, mop and bucket :roll:

Oh god i darent ask :rotfl:
sounds like you need hugs though :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have learned that Sean really is a dumb head, he's been offering his mate who recently split, stuff from this place :roll: Like the double headboard :roll: what a complete kn0b

My brother is a total fag end :( he's let me down so many times it's unreal.
That the only thing worse than the viral flu/coly thing that I've been suffering from for the past few days is Sprog picking it up and being ill all night. :(
To get a babysitter next time we view a house we are thinking of buying as a hungry screaming baby is very distracting when asking questions.

That baby puke pools in the seat of a pram and is a bugger to mop up with a small handy pack of Kleenex.
I have learnt:-

To always remember that my brother will never ever change and he will always be rude, sullen, selfish, pigheaded, loud and horrible and to never expect him to change in the future again.

To not wear a white cardigan while eating bruschetta.

To take free crisps from my MILs house and not to pay 64p a bag from the petrol station 10 miles up the road on the way home.

To not trust OH to take the bin in or air the house (had fish on Friday) or anything else that anyone sensible would do before joining me on a weekend away.

That I really really like my Uncle's partner and I'm going to make more effort to spend time with her.

How mum's feel when their babies wake them at 6am (mine usually sleeps much later but somehow didn't this weekend).

That somehow being offline for a couple of days has meant that I've hours of catching up to do - is this tragic or does it make me popular?

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
I have learnt:-

To always remember that my brother will never ever change and he will always be rude, sullen, selfish, pigheaded, loud and horrible and to never expect him to change in the future again.

I've also learned lessons about my brother this week.... he sounds like yours, only worse :evil:

Today I learned if I go to a car boot sale again and take the kids, instead of buying them a toy each I just need to give them bubble wrap, they find it far more entertaining!
I've learnt why my OH didn't want to lay carpet. It's 10.30 pm and still not finished.
My hall though is looking great! :cheer: :lol:
I learned that there are too many things to decide for a wedding :lol:
Today I learned that when Brody cries when I get him from pre school it's not cos he's missed me, it's cos he wants to stay there!

I've also learned that no matter how long I leave it... the clean washing does not put itself away. :wall:
Urchin said:
I've also learned that no matter how long I leave it... the clean washing does not put itself away. :wall:

And also that washing does not iron itself...
Happybunny said:
I learned that the Bumbo really isn't suitable for the bath!! (It floats!!!)

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Shit, now Ive just learnt that when it looks slightly black and like rain to get the washing in :wall: :wall: :wall: its just started pouring hard as I started to type :roll:
I learnt that giving my Son a treat of some orange squash makes him extremely hypo (Never again I tell ya!)

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