Lealea85's labour thread! Elijah has arrived!!!!

^^^ :lol: wondered what you meant by that!
best of luck to lealea! exciting! :yay: we've had loads of labour watches recently!
:rofl: @ snoopy!
Ah epidurals are the best I want one now lol
Come on baby I don't think mummy wants to wait anymore!!
Just had a text fom LeaLea - sounds like epidural is doing its stuff!

"Just got your txt, so far I'm 2cm dilated n pain free on an epidural. Wowza it feels great. I'm gonna get checked in 4 hours n if not much change I will be put on a drip to speed things up"

At least shes not in any pain. Had hoped when I saw who the text was from that baby had made an appearance!
Got another text from LeaLea - her contractions have slowed down to 1 every 10 mins so she might get put on a drip at 4pm to push labour on. Will let you know if I hear any more. She sounds fine, excited about the baby coming.
:yay: come on baby! Glad your pain free hun...won't be long now hee hee!!
Yay - its finally started for her! Hope things start progressing for her - Good Luck!
Yey glad she's started on her own - she was convinced she'd be induced!! Eagerly awaiting news now! Xx
Wooohoo at last I bet shes so relieved to finally meet him!
Congratulations hun xx
Awwww, Congrats hun. Hope the evil SPD gets gone now too! Xx
Lovely news! Can't wait to see pics of him! x

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