Latest Coronavirus Advice

But our measures are currently less stringent than many other countries, and I wonder why that would be the case.

Our illnesses are spread across the country. Italy's, for example, are mainly centred in the north of the country which puts a greater strain on their health services in that area. Currently, we can cope with rising numbers.

Plus, from what I understand, there's evidence to suggest that quarantining everyone and closing everything down doesn't make a difference to virus increase in the long run.
@soffphie - i think its best to follow the government guidelines and try and start your at leave early or take some annual leave so you will atleast get paid.
I don't know when i am able to go back to work but my work can easily be done from home i dont actually need to be in my office. My boss was very certain that i'm not to get on the train and if i am needed at a meeting then i will need to call in.
If i have to stay off for 12 weeks then that takes me all the way up to June. Crazy!!!
They are saying at the moment London is a hot spot and is 2 weeks ahead of the rest of the country..?
They are doing daily news briefings now, based on yesterdays it will be around 4:30 every day
Problem with our country is our figures are not accurate, they are no longer testing everyone with suspected Coronavirus so you really have to take the figures with a big pinch of salt. anyone interested in the figures, Coronavirus Update (Live): 183,809 Cases and 7,178 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
And rewatching the segmant on the Q&A yesterday it does seem to be the third tri at most risk.. not quite sure why but can only guess as labour is near or cause become more breathless anyway etc etc...
Pregnant women now in most 'at risk' coronavirus group and should stay home

One thing thats conflicting to me is no mass gatherings but its ok for lots of children to be together at school
@soffphie - i think its best to follow the government guidelines and try and start your at leave early or take some annual leave so you will atleast get paid.
I don't know when i am able to go back to work but my work can easily be done from home i dont actually need to be in my office. My boss was very certain that i'm not to get on the train and if i am needed at a meeting then i will need to call in.
If i have to stay off for 12 weeks then that takes me all the way up to June. Crazy!!!

I wish i could take annual leave but cause im term time i only have holidays when the school has holidays. Going to see how this week plays out.. i really think theres a good probability that my school for example, will close and that way I get to not take mat leave early and remain paid till April 20th?
Hey ladies!

Just thought I’d pop by and maybe send you in the direction of something to put your minds at rest a little. I’ve just seen that Kicks Count have released an article from the society of obstetrics and society of midwives that basically explains that there is no new evidence to suggest pregnant women are going to suffer more than other groups but they are quite rightly saying this as a precaution because they really don’t have enough evidence to say for sure either way.

Basically the NHS will not be able to cope if the whole country gets the virus at the same time because there will be too many people needing urgent care and not enough beds or ventilators. So they want to try to keep the immunocompromised people and people with low immunity (including pregnant women) sheilded so that hopefully they won’t get it or won’t get it immediately so that they can deal with the healthier people getting it first. I also feel that this is perhaps and indication that I’m pregnant women they have a bit of a ‘two for one’ problem. Say a pregnant woman does get ill enough to require hospital treatment and ventilation, that may lead to preterm labour or inducing early for safety. That then means they potentially need a ventilator for a premature baby which puts further strain on a system already stretched to capacity.

I’m currently self isolating with a cough and sinus problems. The GP has reassured me she is fairly confident I have a sinus problem or chest infection and not covid. My 5, 4 and 2 year old also have a lot of snot and coughs so we are all at home. I very much doubt I will send them back to school and nursery. I’m a stay at home mum anyway but I don’t want to expose myself to other parents in the school playground etc if I don’t need to - I fully expect they will close schools soon anyway. I’m fortunate enough that before I stopped working to have my children I was a teacher so I feel confident I can continue to give them some level of teaching if they do stay out of school until the summer.

Today is my dad’s 70th birthday and he is a diabetic so definitely in the at risk category. My mum is fine. They live in England and I’m in Scotland but travelled up here on Sunday for a show (which got cancelled) and a holiday lodge place (which got cancelled). They wanted to see us while up here and I have had to refuse. They have not been taking the situation seriously and have taken no extra precautions. There is no way I have risking passing what we have on to them so that they become even more open to infection and I don’t want to risk the possibility of them passing infection to me when I’m already ill. They are not happy, my mum told me I’d be sorry if they died and the last thing I had done was refuse to see them and let them see their grandchildren. I told her that I was thinking of their safety and their grandchildren and their unborn grandchild and no amount of guilt tripping or foot stomping was going to change my mind. I later spoke to my GP about my current illness and she confirmed I was absolutely right to be refusing to have contact with them for all of us.

sorry that turned into a bit of an essay! X
I’m self isolating and working from home until mat leave starts on the 8th April. @Rainbow1234 im really scared about having a newborn in this current climate. I don’t think I’ll be allowing any visits to baby to begin with and just see how things progress. I’m not risking the baby getting sick.
I’m self isolating and working from home until mat leave starts on the 8th April. @Rainbow1234 im really scared about having a newborn in this current climate. I don’t think I’ll be allowing any visits to baby to begin with and just see how things progress. I’m not risking the baby getting sick.

Im also self isolating probably until the baby comes and potentially beyond. My work have been great and advised me not to come in.

I don’t want to risk the baby getting sick either, it’s a hard one as I want my immediate family to be able to see her but I can’t risk her health x
Im also self isolating probably until the baby comes and potentially beyond. My work have been great and advised me not to come in.

I don’t want to risk the baby getting sick either, it’s a hard one as I want my immediate family to be able to see her but I can’t risk her health x

Its horrible. My hospital for maternity have said 1 visitor a day max now.
I hope this all passes before we have the baby
Im also self isolating probably until the baby comes and potentially beyond. My work have been great and advised me not to come in.

I don’t want to risk the baby getting sick either, it’s a hard one as I want my immediate family to be able to see her but I can’t risk her health x

I know it’s awful, they are just too fragile to risk it x
I’m seriously devastated. This is an update from my hospital x

Oh my gosh! That's awful! I'm expecting to be in hospital for a few days when I deliver...I cant imagine doing that alone and my husband not being able to see his babies :(

I know. I can’t stop crying. Its horrendous and I’m dreading it now even more than I was x
What an awful time for the ladies getting close to their due date...
It's odd though that they haven't really taken any precautions in the UK... The whole of Europe is going into lockdown, no walking around in groups, no visiting retirement homes, no shops open except for grocery stores, pharmacies and pet stores, no school for 5 weeks (kill me now lol), social distancing, not allowed to come within 1,5m of someone...
It's really crazy but I'm scared the UK will suffer gravely if no measures are taken!
Be smart and protect yourselves ladies!x
It’s odd though that they haven't really taken any precautions in the UK...
It's really crazy but I'm scared the UK will suffer gravely if no measures are taken!
Be smart and protect yourselves ladies!x

We will be fine! :) We are taking the measures our scientists/health officials are recommending. We’re not doing nothing. Like I said before, they’ve intimated that there is evidence that complete lockdown does not help in the long run.

For another perspective, my dad (in remission from Leukaemia) is due to have his stem cell transplant soon and it’s still going ahead! If his doctors are confident enough to do that, then everyone outside of high risk groups has nothing to fear.
I cant get hold of my hospital at all and just seen that they have now decided any scans etc, only ONE person allowed - ie just me.
I was already trying to put it off as it is and this is making me think i should now. It is for a Growth Scan. (i had a private one done 1-2 weeks ago and all measurements were dead on 50% range).
I am overally paranoid at the moment
I cant get hold of my hospital at all and just seen that they have now decided any scans etc, only ONE person allowed - ie just me.
I was already trying to put it off as it is and this is making me think i should now. It is for a Growth Scan. (i had a private one done 1-2 weeks ago and all measurements were dead on 50% range).
I am overally paranoid at the moment

mine is the same, only the patient at appointments. I’d still go, it’s better to be checked and know everything is ok x

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