Last nights Drama ending in Hospital


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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After being at the doctor yesterday and her saying I had a stomach bug I went on to work feeling much better. Came home and went for a wee when I looked at my knickers there was blood staining on them. Total panic so I rang the hospital and explained all details - midwife was lovely and said as I have history of a low lying placenta I was to put on a pad and give it half and hour and to ring back. Did this and checked in 30 mins and yes a bit more blood so she said I was to come up to hospital to get checked. Had to call my mum in a total panic (couldnt get hubbie as he was working nightshift and had no connection on his mobile - great). Went up to hospital and the staff were so nice and helpful, all tests done, scan, internal and they couldnt find anything wrong. Scanned showed the placenta has now moved up - Soooooo Happy. Urine tests came back and I have another bad UTI with blood in my urine again - now on antibotics agains. What a night and was so tired I had the best nights sleep in about 2 months!
Aw no! Hope you're ok honey! x yay for good nights sleep though x
:hugs: good news bubs is fine n u ghad a good rest bt it must have been horrible to start with x
:hugs: good news bubs is fine n u ghad a good rest bt it must have been horrible to start with x

Thanks It was really awful but ended in good news regarding the placenta ! Just looking forward now to starting maternity leave!
Aw no! Hope you're ok honey! x yay for good nights sleep though x

Yes feeling better today still a bit sick though but there is something to be said for a good nights sleep xx
Glad to hear everything is ok with little one, and that youre feeling a it better today. How long until you go off on maternity leave?

Glad to hear everything is ok with little one, and that youre feeling a it better today. How long until you go off on maternity leave?

Thanks chic. I go off two weeks from today, I only work Part Time 2 1/2 days per week at min but still exhausted so really cant wait just to relax and feet up!!
Glad you and LO are okay and good news about placenta and a good nights sleep - lucky you :)
glad everything is ok and theyve identified the uti. hope you feeling better soon xx
Thanks girls for your wee messages - feeling better today started antibotics and fair enough I think there making me off my food - for a change lol. Even slept this afternoon so heres hoping for another good night sleep tonight again, think I exhausted myself physically and mentally last night in about a 30 min space when all this drama took off!! Hoping to start feeling Blooming soon lol!xx
Happy all is well shame about the uti but at least u have meds hope it shifts quick for you xx

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im happy everything is good.. I would have had a melt down especially wanting OH with me.. Big hugs x
How scary for you Hun - glad you have some antibiotics now and started feeling better , and yay for sleep!
im happy everything is good.. I would have had a melt down especially wanting OH with me.. Big hugs x

Thanks - I did totally melt down I just sat in the living room crying and actually saying I cant take anymore of this! The dog was looking at me as if I was mental!lol

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